Inductive Automation Forum Upgrade

It looks like all of my bookmarks came over fine.

Yep, looks like all of mine are present.

Mine look fine. Thanks!

Hmm... I'll take a look at why that's not working.

I'm with you on this, let's try a thumbs up instead.


Ah, found it. Turns out thereā€™s a ā€œPost Edit Time Limitā€ that defaulted to two months. Iā€™ll disable it while we get that kinks worked out and then look at setting it to something more appropriate to our forum. Probably in terms of years instead.

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Just wanted to say quickly, love the update. I know an update like this can be a polarizing one, but its a vast improvement and hats off to the team as the upgrade as far as Iā€™m concerned was executed seamlessly and without much fanfare. :clap: :thumbsup:


I think this update is decent!

But I noticed something odd. My ā€œSuggested Topicsā€ at the bottom of every post are always old posts that I made. Should it be related to the topic I am currently browsing?

Thanks and keep up the good work, these forums are invaluable to me!

The only thing Iā€™ve seen is that the ā€œcodeā€ formatting block has to be entered manually, like so:Some Codewhere the new toolbar only has a ā€œpreformatā€ icon that yields:
Some Preformatted text Some indented text
without showing indents.

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Looks like code buttons have to be added with a plugin, but in the meantime, you can do manual syntax highlighting code blocks using three grave (`) characters in a row:



SELECT `sqlth_sce`.`scid`,
FROM `ignition`.`sqlth_sce`
WHERE `scid` = 1
ORDER BY start_time DESC;
#add tab to tab strip
ts = event.source.parent.getComponent('Tab Strip')
tabData = ts.tabData
newTab = [tabData.getValueAt(0, col) for col in range(tabData.columnCount)]
newTab[0] = 'T%s' % tabData.rowCount
newTab[1] = 'Tab %s' % (tabData.rowCount + 1)
newTab[3] = False
ts.tabData = system.dataset.addRow(tabData, tabData.rowCount, newTab)
ts.selectedTab = newTab[0]
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Discourse parses comments using Markdown, which has become more common due to its use in githubā€™s readmes, redditā€™s comment system, among many others. Itā€™s a little quirky at first due to how whitespace is dealt with, but the syntax set is pretty small and much nicer than BBCode in my experience. Iā€™ve come to find myself using it for pretty much all documentation that doesnā€™t require math expressions (LaTeX still reigns thereā€¦).

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Iā€™ve changed the behavior of the Preformatted Text button (and changed the icon to match). It will now do code fencing, and does a best-guess at what language youā€™re typing.

If you need to specify the language, add it right after the series of ``` at the beginning of the block, as in @PGriffithā€™s example.


I added tagging to the forum, so now we can tag topics with Ignition versions.


Thanks a lot ! :clap::clap:


Have not tried it on mobile yet.

Just my 2c

Looks like the link in documentation now goes to the old forum address not to the new one. You might want to fix that.

Also I should say I greatly favor the new solution selector. I never liked the old one because it would close the thread.

Today I tried to quote&reply to one post in the forum on my Samsung Note 4 with Chrome for Android.
But I couldnā€™tā€¦
When I try to select text to copy, first Chrome pop-up shows for copy, paste, select all; at the same moment, forums pop-up shows for Quote, then both disappears.
So there is no way to select&quote textā€¦
Or itā€™s only on my phoneā€¦?
Can somebody try and report back, please?

Same behavior on my Pixel + Chrome. Maybe it's fixed or will be fixed in a future version of Discourse.

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Just for info:
I tried with Samsung Internet browser:
there you can select&copy text (browsers pop-up), but forums pop-up for quote never shows upā€¦

new interface very attractive and user-friendly. Great work.

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