Is there a way to download a file from the server that Ignition resides on

I was looking at this old post: Is there a way to download a file from the Ignition Server via Project?

One of the guys in the forumn mentioned that you can place a file in the \webserver\webapps\main and it should be accessible to the clients. The forum was left without a solution, as of writing this, but if that's still a posiblity am I using to download the file? What string would I input to download the file?

You would use a navigation action or script to open the download link in a new tab, and the user agent (web browser, mobile app, workstation) will automatically download it.

However, don't do this - the webserver/webapps hosting "solution" basically only works by accident, has problems on Windows, and is not a particularly efficient way to host files. What are the file(s) you're hosting, about how big are they, and do you need them to be updated dynamically?

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Ok thanks! What if the file to download resides on the C drive in a random folder? Would that work?

It seems pretty clear to me!

Never mind I found the documentation!