Make drop down menu always expanded

Hi Folks,

I would like to make the perspective dropdown menu always expanded

@pturmel We can continue discussion here if you like

Then why do you even want a dropdown ?
If it's always expended, it's pretty much just a stack of buttons...

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The problem is addressed here:

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I need the search function. Too many items. I made the drop down take 100% of the page with a custom CSS but I need it expanded all the time

Or recommend me another component that takes the same shape and support search function

I want to make a list like the great one done by @nader.chinichian
I though of that method of doing it
(drop down menu > make it 100% of the page (done) > make it always expanded)

@nader.chinichian if the image contains any copyrights or you don't like it to be shared let me know and I will remove it instantly

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Table again.

enableHeader : false : false
pager.bottom : false
rows.striped.enabled : false
filter.enabled : true           <<<<----------

Filter table


It is not dropdown lost. It is combination of text input field and tree components that work together

What ever you type in text field cause a trigger on tree binding to generate new tree base on that filter area from database. As I use database filtering is very easy.


text field + table/flex repeater, use the text field to filter the table/flex repeater.
Don't hack built-in components to do something that can be done so simply by combining other built-in bricks.

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I really appreciate your help a lot. Thank you :tulip::tulip: