Multiple reports with single schedule based on parameter


I was just wondering if it was possible within the reporting component to run a report for several values of a single parameter using a single schedule? I’d like to generate 6 reports for each instance of a device and currently have 6 schedules to do this.

Hello, good morning.

I have the same question, I have several email reports and I want join them in a one report and/or email.

Thank you.
Best regards.

You can’t/shouldn’t do this directly within the report’s scheduling options, but if you’re on Ignition 8.1.6 or later, you could use a gateway scheduled script to call as many times as needed to generate your reports as binary PDF data, then use and attached your report bodies.

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Hello, thank you for your answer.

I have Ignition 8.0.16, Are there any solution?

Best regards.

You can use the same pattern (calling executeReport and sendEmail) still in 8.0.16, but there’s no great place to ‘house’ your script.

To get access to the convenient scheduling of reporting, you could create a ‘fake’ report (or ‘fake’ schedule) that doesn’t actually do anything, just runs a script action at a particular time. Or you could make a gateway timer event that runs at a consistent rate, and checks if it’s the ‘right’ time to launch execution - effectively the same as a scheduled script, just a bit harder to set up.

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This is the solution:

Thank you.

Hello again.

Other question about this topic, is it possible join differents documents pdf on a one?

Thank you.
Best regards

Not directly within Ignition. PDFs are complicated.
There’s lots of options for merging PDFs, I can’t speak to any particular one. This thread on SO is Linux-focused, so may not be helpful, but some of these tools may be available on Windows:

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Thank you.