Need some ideas to start a project

Hello, and welcome!

This is a pretty open topic. Just a couple of thoughts... well three... five at most...

  • Tag structure. Use similar naming /folder structures / UDTs. In my example, we're organized by line number (3425, 3426...). When we need data we pull it by line. Read up in indirect tags, and you'll be a pro.

  • Document, document, document. Tags, db tables and columns. Perhaps flocharts for operations or data flows. The Useful Tools thread may be of help.

  • Since you're new to Ignition, I'll suggest going through Inductive University's free training courses.

  • Use the forum. We have a lot of talented users here, and while we can be pedantic or sometimes downright annoying, we are-- as an old instructor of mine would say-- a veritable cesspool of information. :slight_smile: