Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.9-b20210804


1279 8.1: Add option to control how much information is given to clients/designers in error messages
Gateway errors sent to the designer or client containing external system details can now be suppressed via an optional system property.

588: Limited license parsing needs to ‘fail-open’ if restrictions are malformed/invalid
Prevented a NumberFormatException from being thrown when parsing invalid license restrictions for limited vision client & reporting counts.


2518: system.device.addDevice should take “description” as a parameter
Allow Description to be set by system.opc.addDevice.


1036: SQLite DB connections should allow relative path
SQLite connections can now reference the gateway’s data and local directories within the connect URL by using the ${data} and the ${local} parameters, respectively.

1962: Project Scripts are unable to call each other’s function in the Script Console
Fixed an issue where a function within a project script couldn’t reference a function from another script library if invoked from the script console.

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