Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220930


5000: Add system.print functions in all scopes
Added the functions 'system.print.getPrinterNames()' and 'system.print.getDefaultPrinterName()' to all scopes.


6224: Add option to adjust Designer's time zone without the Vision module
Added a new Designer property for specifying the time zone within the designer. This takes precedence over Vision's Client Timezone setting If Vision is installed and applies only to the Designer.


6420: EAM: Backup fails when Module meta-data contains & character
Fixed an issue where EAM Agents could produce an invalid manifest during a remote backup task.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221003


6553: Perspective Dropdown list text is not visible in the search bar
Fixed issue with dropdown component in Perspective while using the Dark theme where the search text was not appropriately showing in its set default Dark theme color.

1511: Reset Panels causes designer to show all toolbars regardless of context
Fixed bug that caused all toolbars to become visible when using the "View > Reset Panels" menu item, including toolbars not relevant to the currently selected workspace.

6596: Perspective: Tabs in Tab Container don’t translate via the translation manager
Fixed issue with Tab text in Tab Containers where they were not correctly translating.

IGN-3254 Add project-scoped stylesheet singleton resource
Added an advanced project scoped CSS stylesheet resource and resource editor, available from the right-click menu of the styles folder.