Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220929


662: In Perspective, browser memory leak is caused by changes to datasources of XY Chart
Fixed major XYChart memory leaks.

6382: Designer launches incorrectly when project description includes newline and space
Fixed an issue with the Designer Launcher unable to launch when the project description includes newline followed by space(s).

5560: Upgrade jQuery to the latest version (8.1)
JQuery updated to 3.6.0

Data Model

5806: Memory leak of TagSubscriptionHolders in RemoteTagSubscriptionManager
Fixed memory leak caused by remote tag subscriptions.

3896: Perspective alarm status table does not show local alarms when remote alarms are unavailable
Fixed an issue where local alarm events wouldn't display within the Perspective Alarm Status Table if the local gateway had a remote tag provider configured, but the remote gateway's service access for alarm statuses was denied.


6401: Upgrade Bundled JVM to 11.0.16 PSU
Bumped the bundled JVM to

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220930


5000: Add system.print functions in all scopes
Added the functions 'system.print.getPrinterNames()' and 'system.print.getDefaultPrinterName()' to all scopes.


6224: Add option to adjust Designer's time zone without the Vision module
Added a new Designer property for specifying the time zone within the designer. This takes precedence over Vision's Client Timezone setting If Vision is installed and applies only to the Designer.


6420: EAM: Backup fails when Module meta-data contains & character
Fixed an issue where EAM Agents could produce an invalid manifest during a remote backup task.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221003


6553: Perspective Dropdown list text is not visible in the search bar
Fixed issue with dropdown component in Perspective while using the Dark theme where the search text was not appropriately showing in its set default Dark theme color.

1511: Reset Panels causes designer to show all toolbars regardless of context
Fixed bug that caused all toolbars to become visible when using the "View > Reset Panels" menu item, including toolbars not relevant to the currently selected workspace.

6596: Perspective: Tabs in Tab Container don’t translate via the translation manager
Fixed issue with Tab text in Tab Containers where they were not correctly translating.

IGN-3254 Add project-scoped stylesheet singleton resource
Added an advanced project scoped CSS stylesheet resource and resource editor, available from the right-click menu of the styles folder.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221004


6210: Redundancy Sync Task fails when the task takes longer than 60 seconds to Complete
The gateway network sync timeout is now adjustable for redundant nodes. Previously, the timeout was hard-coded at 60 seconds.


3240: Tall return mode returns invalid path keys like "t_stamp" from Reporting data source
Fixed an issue with Tall return mode for tag history queries in reporting.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221005


572:New View Dialog: remember and default to the last created container type in Designer session
Perspective New View dialog now remembers the last created container type in the Designer session.

Data Model

2427: Overriding alarm property on UDT Instance does not preserve other alarm properties specified in UDT Definition
Overriding an alarm through import or scripting will correctly use the alarm's parent configuration if the tag is inherited. This matches the behavior of the designer when overriding alarms.


IGN-4617 System.util.setLocale() can't parse some locale variants, add overload that takes Locale argument directly
Added an overload to system.util.setLocale, so that it can accept any valid Java Locale object directly.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221006

Data Model

6559: Extremely large Store & Forward caches can cause slow startup performance
Fixed behavior where extremely large S&F HSQL databases would drastically slow Gateway startup speeds.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221007


6622: Update gateway network diagnostics to use service method name in call results
Gateway network status page service call results now display the actual remote method that was called, instead of a generic "Call Result:Services/Invocation" label.


5538: Equipment Schedule: Add onEventClick component event
Adds onClick event to equipment schedule events.

2872: Specifying transparent colors in style customizer can break other colors
Fixed the issue of when the background color of one of the following: Root Container, Group, Template) has an alpha < 255, and is then saved. When the project is opened again, if the background is set to an alpha of 255, instead of being opaque the background is transparent.


5817: Can't attach .ics files to an email sent by scripting
Added a multitude of mime type mappings to support various attachment file formats when sending emails. Additional/override values can be specified as mime-mappings in the web.xml file.


1261: Installer: Allow unattended autostart to be specified as an argument
Added an "autoStart" property to the Ignition installer for Gateway startup upon completion.

Data Model

6266: Remove All Overrides button in Tag Editor: Alarms section does not remove overrides
Fixed the Tag Editor's Remove All Overrides button for UDT instances not saving properly.

6410: Rejected Execution Exception during shutdown of gateway after rename of datasource
Fixed RejectionExecutionException when shutting down gateway after renaming Datasource.

5928: Binding to UDT in Perspective does not trigger Leased Member tags to switch to fast rate
Binding to UDT Instances or .jsonValues property will now correctly lease member tags.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221010


6110: Attempts to remove old scheduled backups blocked by macOS sandboxing restrictions, results in NPE
Added warnings to the Diagnostics Logs when the deletion of old backups (as part of Scheduled Backups) is prevented by Os restrictions.

2163: Upgrade SQLite JDBC driver
Upgrade embedded SQLite and its JDBC driver to


4236: Color Picker has clipping issues when alpha < 255

Fixed issue with the clipping region improperly set when the color viewed in Vision Property Editor or Property Inspector has an alpha less than 255.

Restored the checker pattern that's used for the background when viewing non-opaque color in Vision Property Editor or Property Inspector.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221011


4429: XY Chart Expression Tag History binding with dynamic path causes Component Error
Fixed an issue with the XY Chart where the chart would not load when using a dynamic expression tag history bindings and switching views.


2241: Shrink the launcher icons on mac to align with Big Sur standards
Updated dock icon sizes for MacOS version 11+ (Big Sur or greater) to Apple's specifications.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221012

Data Model

5487: SFC: Enclosing Step Has No Double Click Functionality With Relative Path
Double clicking SFC Enclosing Step will now correctly open charts when relative paths are used.


2406: Perspective Table returning console error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '####' of undefined' when clicking on a embedded subview
Fixed an error that would occur when clicking on a subview within a table cell in the Perspective table component.

1434: Table: Perspective's equivalent of Vision's filterable columns
Added individual filterable columns to the Table component.

6406: Perspective XY Chart: Legend does not change position when set to absolute
XYChart legend reflects define position properties when set to absolute.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221014


6625: In the Perspective Property Editor, value inputs in scientific notation with the form (mE-n), converts to 0 when n>6, and m is a single character
Fixed an issue where underspecified scientific notation (e.g. 1E-7) would not be parsed correctly and incorrectly round to 0.

3574: Perspective support for def SVG attributes or properties is inconsistent
Perspective SVG Importer has been greatly enhanced, adding support for the most common SVG elements. A new "convert to drawing" function has been added to the right click menu in the Designer for selected SVG based components including Cylindrical Tank, Icon, Linear Scale, Moving Analog Indicator, Sparkline, Thermometer, All Symbols, and Coordinate Container (containing pipes).


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20221014


5307: Restoring a gwbk on a system where the service name differs does not set service name in ignition.conf to match configured service name
Fixed an issue where the current Ignition service name (Windows) would not be preserved when restoring a GWBK from a system with a different service name.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221017

Data Model

6713: Deadlock within AlarmStateModel during Alarm registration and evaluation
Fixed a deadlock that could potentially occur during alarm evaluation while at the same time the alarm is being registered.


6181: NPE when deleting GAN remote certificate from master gateway
Fixed an issue where NPE was thrown when deleting a GAN remote certificate from the master gateway.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221022


2177: Vision Alarm Status Table does not animate flashing after Swapping Windows
The Vision Alarm Status Table's flashing rows now continue to flash when swapping windows.

Data Model

IGN:UDT Hierarchy Tool
See forum post

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221024


6377: About panel session props should behave independently of one another and not require a refresh
About panel session props now update independently without needing the page to be refreshed.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221025


5385: Update wording for Edge gateway configuration licensing page
Edge licensing copy updated to reflect that Edge now allows all normal Edge features when in the two hour Trial mode.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221026


5385: Update wording for Edge gateway configuration licensing page
Edge licensing copy updated to reflect that Edge now allows all normal Edge features when in the two hour Trial mode.

6747: Applying a script with a compilation error can prevent further editing of that script
Fixed an issue where client or gateway message handler scripts could get 'stuck' in a non-editable state.

639: Named Query Testing "Use Sample Size Limit" also applies to perspective sessions
Fixed issue with query bindings using sample size limiting during runtime sessions.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221027

Data Model

6422: 'Write value back to OPC item?' doesn't get converted to Legacy Value Changed script if overridden on UDT instance
Fixed an issue where the "Write value back to OPC item" setting does not get converted to a legacy value changed script on upgrade or tag import to Ignition 8 if enabled as an override on a UDT instance.

3106: Alarm Pipeline dropdown shows inherited pipelines when editing a tag's alarm
Parent pipelines are no longer visible from alarm pipeline dropdowns when editing tags in child project.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221028

Data Model

2581 getNotes on alarm event object returned from system.alarm.queryJournal returning None
Notes can now be obtained using the getNotes() method on alarm event objects returned when using system.alarm.queryJournal().


6548: Docker Image: Allow suppression of Quick Start project prompt via environment variable
Docker image now supports a DISABLE_QUICKSTART environment variable that will bypass the QuickStart functionality on first launch when set to true.


6521: Revert change to dropdown list key selection behavior
Reverted a change made to the dropdown component's key selection behavior to return the functionality from 8.1.15 and prior.


6629: Imported Document Tag values appear rounded
Fixed an issue where values in document tags could erroneously be displayed truncated to an integer representation after import.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221031


6628: Incorrect color displayed on Default Node Selected Background of Tree View component when node is selected
Fixed an issue where the Tree View component's default selected background color would not be used.


4477: Add Support for Password Reset to the Internal IdP when User's Password has expired
Added password reset support to the Internal IdP when user's password has expired.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221101

Data Model

5702: Setting a String value to a Number datatype alarm property causes unexpected behavior
Preventing writes to tag properties if the write value is not compatible with the property datatype.

6636: Expanding the properties of a tag in the tag browser fires a tag changed event in any tagChangeListeners that were subscribed to the full tag path
Fixed an issue where expanding tags in the Tag Browser would send extra tag change events to subscriptions.


5867: Power Chart: Pen data columns do not translate exactly as they read
Fixed translation issue regarding the Power Chart components pen data columns

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221102


6738: Bindings don't trigger on Duplicate or Copy/Paste for components within a container
Fixed issue where duplicating or pasting components failed to start up their bindings.


6467: Updates to Inheritable Project Library scripts don't correctly dereference child objects
Fixed a memory leak related to project script restarts after edit+save.