Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221111


229: Time Series Chart - Add a "relative weight" property to the plots config
Adds a new "relative weight" property to the plots config that allows a user to set the amount of relative space each plot can take in a Time Series chart.

5959: Perspective session doesn’t always recover from unexpected disconnect
Ensured sessions clear stale sync requests upon reconnection. Prevented Gateway scoped action events from accumulating when there is no connection to Gateway.

5433: Perspective in/out params on Embedded View will write unexpected values in Designer
Fixed issue that could cause default in/out param values to write back to enclosing embedded view props on initial load.

Data Model

6780: "IllegalArgumentException: There is already a scheduled task for taghistorydatasourcesink.prune_task" every minute after disable/enable of DB connection
Fixed a potential bug where a database connection being reestablished would cause the historian sink to initialize every 60 seconds despite the connection being valid.

6328: Improve logging for POP3 alarm acknowledgement reply monitoring in EmailNotificationProfile
Improved logging around POP3 sessions within email notification profiles.