Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221103


6624: Writing to OPC tags using system.tag.writeAsync within a Perspective session aren't audited
Writing to OPC tags using system.tag.writeAsync() in Perspective now creates an audit event.


6493: Designer: After searching / filtering in the project browser, nodes will collapse after certain actions
Avoiding a collapse of the entire Designer project browser when using a filter while navigating or dragging Perspective Flex Containers.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221104


2398: Web Browser component should handle Engine Crash events more gracefully
The Vision Web Browser component now attempts a restart when the Chromium process has crashed.

Data Model

2887: Named Query containing a comment fails against SQL Server
Named queries containing double dash comments now execute successfully when trying against SQL Server.


5399: Add migration for cleanup of old project tables from SQLite config.idb
One-time cleanup of old 7.x project tables in the internal DB is now conducted on GW startup. A new system property ignition.projects.skipProjectRecordTableCleanup can be set to true to omit this cleanup operation.

6097: VACUUM config.idb on startup
A VACUUM operation is now performed against the internal DB on gateway startup to reclaim unused disk space. A new system property ignition.skipConfigDbVacuum can be set to true if this behavior is not desired.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221107


2187: Dark Theme makes Maker Edition 'Personal Use Only' modal unreadable
Fixes the unreadable modal issue that occurs when a Maker project is opened and the theme is set to dark. Modal is now readable.

Data Model

4431: Add Store and Forward for remote alarm journals & auditing profiles
Added store and forward functionality for remote alarm journals and audit profiles.

6799: Edge History Sink throws errors every minute when remote Gateway is down
Optimized tag history data sync such that data will not be queried locally nor attempted to be forwarded remotely if the remote gateway is unavailable.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221108

Data Model

5507: Add cleanup for old SQLTAG related tables
One-time cleanup of old 7.x SQLTAG tables in the internal database is now conducted on gateway startup. A new system property ignition.tags.skipLegacyTagTableCleanup=true can be set to true to skip this cleanup operation.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221109


2827: Need a way to close Perspective session from the Gateway session status page
Adds the ability to terminate perspective sessions from the perspective session status page.

6245: Easy Chart: Incorrect values for “Sum” and “difference” calculated pen on easy chart
Fixed issue where Easy Chart pens for Sum and Difference showed incorrect values due to mismatched timestamps on driving pens.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221110

Data Model

6639: Remote Alarms store successfully on the remote alarm journal profile without respecting data filters
Alarm journal events received from a remote gateway will now be properly stored to the remote journal according to its data filters.


2135: Perspective: One-Shot button doesn't always capture click in a column view
Fixes issue where initial click was not captured on a one shot button created in a column view.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221111


229: Time Series Chart - Add a "relative weight" property to the plots config
Adds a new "relative weight" property to the plots config that allows a user to set the amount of relative space each plot can take in a Time Series chart.

5959: Perspective session doesn’t always recover from unexpected disconnect
Ensured sessions clear stale sync requests upon reconnection. Prevented Gateway scoped action events from accumulating when there is no connection to Gateway.

5433: Perspective in/out params on Embedded View will write unexpected values in Designer
Fixed issue that could cause default in/out param values to write back to enclosing embedded view props on initial load.

Data Model

6780: "IllegalArgumentException: There is already a scheduled task for taghistorydatasourcesink.prune_task" every minute after disable/enable of DB connection
Fixed a potential bug where a database connection being reestablished would cause the historian sink to initialize every 60 seconds despite the connection being valid.

6328: Improve logging for POP3 alarm acknowledgement reply monitoring in EmailNotificationProfile
Improved logging around POP3 sessions within email notification profiles.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221114


2987: Multi State Button: New states don't automatically create required values

Adds default values to text and value property when creating additional states for the multi-state button.

229: Time Series Chart - Add a "relative weight" property to the plots config
Adds a new "relative weight" property to the plots config that allows a user to set the amount of relative space each plot can take in a Time Series chart.

3764: Add a "Copy to Clipboard" button next to Redirect URI / ACS URI in IdP Settings Page
Added "Copy to Clipboard" button next to Redirect URI / ACS URI in IdP settings pages.


4920: Display an error message when users try to import Exchange resources as project resources
Now showing an error when importing Exchange resources as project files in the Designer and Gateway

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221115


6399; Use ExampleProjectRenderer to render example project responses
Fixed an issue where the project template combobox was not correctly using tooltips.

5748: Perspective Report Viewer: Empty String for 'source' causes an empty report to get stuck 'Initializing' indefinitely.
Fixed an issue where Perspective's Report Viewer component could inadvertently generate "ghost" reports that would appear to be executing forever.

Data Model

5055: Cannot query historical boolean values through OPC HDA
Fixed an issue where querying boolean values from OPC HDA would throw an error.


6745: Upgrade Apache commons text to fix CVE-2022-42889
Upgraded Apache commons-text library to version 1.10.0.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221116


4942: Changing the cursor style for a Text Field component in Perspective does not actually reflect changes
Fixed an issue where Text Field component in Perspective did not reflect Cursor Style changes.

4846: Find & Replace can leave bindings in invalid, incorrect state (reflecting old values)
Fixed the problem in Vision for Windows and Templates, where binding values changed through Find/Replace in closed Windows and Templates were not updated when the Windows and Templates are opened.


6641: Alternate projects directory (-Dignition.projects.dir) is not included in gateway backup
Fixed an issue where projects were not included in gateway backups when an alternate projects directory is specified.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221117

Data Model

6839: Change Behavior of Project and Tag table cleanup to Opt-In
One-time cleanup of old 7.x SQLTAG tables in the internal database can now be conducted on gateway startup. A new system property ignition.tags.cleanupLegacyTagTables=true can be set to enable this cleanup operation.


6822: Symbols: inline styles are no longer applied correctly
Fill and Stroke style props will once again be honored for Perspective Symbols

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.23-b20221118


6822: Symbols: inline styles are no longer applied correctly
Fill and Stroke style props will once again be honored for Perspective Symbols.

6850: Progress Bar: Value display CSS rule in theme file is too specific and prevents application of color through Named Styles
Reduced the specificity of the CSS rule for applying color to the display value of Progress Bars, so that Perspective Named Styles could be used to determine the color value.

4718: Memory leak: Vision components not releasing references after call
Fixed a memory leak in the Vision Text Field when on a busy Window or Template with bindings which are evaluated on close.

Data Model

5776: Tag Group Editor: Description button doesn't show property descriptions
The Designer tag group editor now displays descriptions for properties.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221121


4362: Support for OAuth 2.0 Clients and OAuth Email Profile (MVP 1)
Refactored "SMTP Profiles" into "Email Profiles". Added OAuth2 clients which can be managed in the Gateway config page. Added an OAuth2 SMTP Email Profile Type.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221128


6581: Step 1: IdP Auth Token Implementation

Designer and Vision Client instances authenticated with an IdP would have to be completely restarted when a session was lost due to a temporary communications loss with the Gateway. Now, after logging into the IdP, a special auth token is generated with the session on the Gateway and is saved in the Designer and Vision Client instance memory after authenticating with an IdP. When a connection is lost and later recovered, Designers and Vision Client instances may securely resume their sessions without having to completely restart themselves by passing the Gateway a valid auth token. This should reduce the frequency of the Designer / Vision Client restart pain point.

Two settings control the lifecycle of an auth token:

  1. Inactivity Timeout: The number of minutes which must elapse before expiring a user's auth token due to inactivity caused by a disconnected session. Must be greater than zero. Default: 10 minutes.
  2. Time-To-Live (TTL): The maximum number of minutes a user's auth token may exist before it expires. If set to any number less than or equal to zero, auth tokens may live forever, as long as the auth token has not expired due to inactivity. Default: 0 minutes (does not expire).

For designer auth tokens, these settings live in Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > General.

For vision client auth tokens, these settings live in Designer > Project Menu > Properties > Vision > Login.

These settings do not apply to the Classic Authentication Strategy, since the Classic Authentication Strategy does not have this issue.

When redundancy is enabled, Vision Client auth tokens are synchronized from the Master to the Backup so that IdP-authenticated Vision Client sessions may be resumed seamlessly and securely during failover by using an auth token.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221205

Data Model

6797: UDT members missing after upgrade
Fixed UDT Definitions occasionally missing members when upgrading from 7.9

6429: Moving a Tag with History causes duplicate sqlth_te records to get created
Fixed moving tags with history creating duplicate sqlth_te records.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221206


2134: Rework Perspective thermometer intervals to allow for empty array of intervals
Fixed an issue of the Perspective thermometer component not allowing for fewer than 3 intervals.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221208


6597: system.roster.createRoster() ignores description parameter and uses empty string instead
Fixed a bug in the system.roster.createRoster() function where it ignored the user supplied description and entered a blank string instead. Now this function correctly uses the description string passed in by the user.


3074: Translatable Terms panel should be able to handle the Designer's Edit Menu Actions
Removed improper translation panel copy/paste actions from the Designer edit menu.

6876: NPE in PropertyReference::getPropertyTree
Fixed NullPointerException caused by bidirectional property bindings configured with invalid paths.

6522: Cylindrical Tank: Provide way for users to display value as volume
Updated Cylindrical Tank component to allow users to format the displayed the volume with the new format, and unit properties.

3072: Output console should be able to handle the Designer's Edit cut/copy/paste actions
Integrated the output console with the Designer edit menu options.

4110: Auto-commit text on Named Query Parameter Names
Now committing changes to the Designer Named Query Authoring tab when switching to another tab.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221212


5343: Perspective Power Chart date range picker cut off at lower browser heights
Perspective Power Chart date range picker now correctly adjusts its scrollability at smaller browser heights.


6707: installer batch files shouldn't use temp as a temporary variable name
Renamed "temp" variable in the install and uninstall batch files to prevent potential conflict with the Windows environment variable TEMP.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221213


5338: In the Perspective Map Component, the zoomIn and zoomOut Component Functions do not work as expected when passed fractional delta values
Fixed issue with map scripting when adding fractional delta values to zoomIn and zoomOut.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221214


5835: Vision: Ability to detect when available and to trigger a project update
Added a new Update Mode for vision: "None". This allows the project designer to handle delivering updates to running clients manually with the help of a new boolean Vision Client system tag named ProjectUpdateAvailable and a companion scripting function which will actually perform the project update on the Vision Client.

6861: Perspective: Axes applied incorrect on XY chart with multiple series
Fixed regression preventing more than one XYChart series from being assigned to a single axis.

2624: Docked Views: Dismissing modal docked view by clicking overlay can potentially result in different docked view becoming visible
Fixed an issue where dismissing a docked modal view would open a different docked view.


6922: TCP Driver needs a write timeout setting
Added a "Write Timeout" setting to the TCP Driver.

Data Model

6786: UDT Parent Data Type: Referencing a folder causes any UDT definitions below that folder to no longer be browsable for this property
Fixed UDT parent types that don't exist from hiding existing UDT Definitions under the path of non-existent parent type.
Fixed stale folders showing up in the new Data Type Instance menu.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221215


6421: "backActionText" functionality in nested submenus of perspective menu tree
The root "backActionText" will now act as the default for all levels of menu items while individual sub menus can override this with their own "backActionText" configuration property.

5441: Option to include Tag Paths in Pen Name on Perspective Power Charts
Added an additional config option on the power chart that allows users to choose the tag folder depth displayed on the chart (IE: grandParentFolder/parentFolder/name).

6733: Perspective SVG Importer - elements are given type "marker" upon import
Added support for "pattern" type svg elements.

6805: SVG Drawing Importer and Renderer fails to render Text Path elements correctly
SVG Drawing Importer and Renderer now properly render text path elements


6921: CoroutineDispatcher blocking in OPC UA and Driver modules
Fixed a threading issue that could allow blocking operations in one driver module to affect other driver modules or the OPC UA module.

6884: Allow Sampling Interval to be configured independently of Tag Group rate
Add a new Tag Group OPC UA extension property that allows Sampling Interval to be requested independently of the Tag Group Rate.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221216


2037: Orphaned UDT error when updating client or running switchUser
Removed "orphaned UDT" error from Vision Client windows when custom properties are not bound.

3073: Window Component Property Editor should be able to handle the Designer's Edit Menu Actions
Integrated the Vision property table with the Designer Edit menu copy action.


6810: Installing full Ignition then switching the Gateway to Edge allows users to run tag event scripts without Edge Compute on their license
Ignition Edge installs now use the singular Edge project as the Gateway Scripting Project which prevents script run errors on platform edition or Edge project name changes.

6463: Vision module missing in Project Browser after upgrading from 7.9 -> 8.1 due to third party modules
Added handling for an uncommon class of Vision client tag deserialization errors.

Data Model

6851: When writing from a derived tag to a Document tag, the preceding read upon the Document Tag does not use permissions
Derived tags will no longer fail to read when the source tag has read permissions set.


6928: Use configured Request Timeout in all SessionInitializers
Removed a hardcoded timeout when reading operation limits after session establishment.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221219


IGN-5387 In Active Directory User Sources, allow users to enable/disable whether the Username Prefix and Suffix properties apply to the Gateway Username and allow characters used by Distinguished Names in the Gateway Username field

  • Added a new checkbox setting to all three AD user source profile types titled "Use prefix and suffix for Gateway username".
    • If this option is checked, the username prefix and suffix will be applied to the Gateway username before a bind is attempted.
    • This option is checked by default on upgrade to match the behavior before upgrade.
  • Removed strict validation for gateway username setting for all three AD user source profile types so that =, ,, and other characters are allowed, which is usually necessary for setting a fully qualified DN


5568: One Shot Button: Disabled button still requests confirmation if button contains icon
Fixes bug that displays confirm popup when one shot button is clicked and disabled with an icon.

6923: Perspective Map: The getZoom function is only returning integer values
Fixed issue where getZoom, setZoomAround, and flyTo functions were incorrectly casting zoom as an integer.

6728: Implement system props to configure Vision route concurrency
Adding ignition.conf properties vision.fetch-concurrency and vision.fetch-timeout to improve Vision client launches on busy systems.