Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220208


4723 Add pointer events to Perspective component
Added Pointer events as a supported component event now that they are supported by all of Perspectives supported browsers. Pointer events will track touch interactions as well as stylus and pen interactions.

NOTE: Pointer events have only recently become available to all of our supported browsers. For this reason, these events may not be available in older versions of Safari and Firefox. If the events are not working in those instances, it is recommended to upgrade the browser to the most current version.

5379: Simple Gauge component properties
Simple Gauge Component: 3 new props added to props.label - offsetX, offsetY, and color. offsetX and offsetY are used for moving the label relative to its original position of middle-bottom and color specifies the fill color of the text within the label. For advanced users - additional props specified in props.label are automatically forwarded to AMCharts’s Label Component, allowing for functionality beyond what is defined in the Perspective component schema.