Weekly Changelog: 8.1.19-b20220620
Data Model
6217: Uncaught exception thrown when querying remote alarm journal in 8.1.18-rc1
Fixed uncaught exception when querying alarm journal through remote journal profile targeting gateway with version prior to 8.1.18.
6159: Upgrade the launchers to javaFX 17
The Designer Launcher, Vision Client Launcher, and Perspective Workstation now use JavaFX 17.0.2
2393: Tag values not synchronizing correctly after comms were lost between redundant master and backup
After redundant master and backup lose contact with each other and both go active, the backup will now check if it has conflicting sync data as compared to the master. If it does, it will drop its own data in preference of the master’s data.
584: Throw bespoke error message if message handler cannot be executed due to inheritable project
Now throwing a more specific error message when a message handler is called on an inheritable project (which can’t run message handlers).
2437: Add scary warning when trying to change a gateway name
Changing the gateway name now displays a warning modal, which requires confirmation before the change can be made.