Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.17-b20220421


4876: Improve performance of system.util.translate and translate expression function
Significantly improved the performance of the system.util.translate function in gateway scope by caching the translation package between calls.


3978: Alphabetized EAM config menu ordering (controller) is counterintuitive to usual workflow
EAM Gateway Config section items are now sorted in alphabetical order.


5247: The data/opcua directory’s contents is not included in a Gateway Backup
The $GATEWAY_HOME/data/opcua directory is now included in gateway backup files.


2662: Power Chart: The breakLine property for each pen needs to respond to the quality code received in the payload
The display.breakLine property for each pen displaying as a “line” chart now works as intended. If set to true, a visual break is shown when there is bad/missing data. If set to false a line will be drawn between the last and next available good data points in the data this is being shown. If there is not a next/previous good data point available, the line will not be drawn regardless of the setting.

Additionally, if there is no good data available per pen in the displaying time range, an overlay will be shown on the tabular pen data below the chart. If available, the quality code will be presented as well.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.17-b20220422


3518: Time Series Chart - Style being applied to non-existent pen causes chart error
When pen data sources change, the zoom level will be reset to 1X (if zoomed in).

Data Model

IGN-5765 Tag Editor Polish
Tag Editor UI and drag and drop enhancements.

5448: Moving a UDT Def location immediately causes UDT Instance/Child Member overrides to be deleted from TagConfig

  • Moving UDT Definitions will now maintain member overrides to tags that inherit from the UDT Definition.
  • Moving UDT Definitions will also update the Parent Data Type of subtypes to match the new location.

5809: Unable to export data from Store and Forward quarantine
Fixed an issue where schema information for data contained within the store and forward HSQL database would be improperly removed, resulting in associated serialized data unable to be forwarded.


5917: Increased CPU usage by Logix Driver ReadStructuredTagsRequest
Reverted a change introduced in 8.1.15 that traded increased CPU usage for lower memory usage.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220426


5910: Upgrade bundled JVM to 11.0.15 for April Critical PSU
Updated the bundled Java runtime across all scopes to the latest patch release - 11.0.15.


950: Vision User Management component in ‘Edit Current’ mode produces errors if used with IdP Authentication strategy
The Vision User Management component now displays an incompatibility message when in Current User mode and an Identity Provider is used to log in.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220503


666: Text in Titled Border of Vision’s Text Field resets to default font style when the component is duplicated
Fixed an issue where customized fonts in titled borders would be lost if the component was duplicated or renamed.


5946: 8.1: Upgrade Jetty from 9.4.45.v20220203 to 9.4.46.v20220331
Upgraded embedded Jetty web server from v9.4.45.v20220203 to v9.4.46.v20220331

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220504


6011: Wicket error when attempting to navigate to gateway webpage while gateway starts up
Fixed a WicketRuntimeException which was sometimes thrown in the Gateway logs when attempting to navigate to the Gateway Web Interface while Gateway was starting up.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220505


5306: Tag writes from Perspective scripting doesn’t get captured in the audit log
Scripted tag modifications (i.e. write, edit, delete, move, rename) are now audited within Perspective.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220506

Data Model

2400: Transaction group Item Name is not displaying the full tag path
Drag-and-Drop of Tags into Transaction Groups now default their item name to the tag path (without provider) instead of the last component of the tag path. This re-aligns with the previous behavior from 7.9 and 8.0 releases. This change does not impact existing transaction group configurations.


4019: Contextual Find/replace on selected project tree nodes and tags
Added a “contextual” find and replace option to views, transaction groups, windows, templates, and named queries. Just right click on a resource (or folder) to automatically open the find/replace tool in the specified context.


4092: EAM auto assign licenses should give some hint/error if all the licenses are taken
EAM Activate License Task will now display a message when there are no more auto-assignable licenses.

5826: Hardcoded timeout in Archiver.testFreeSpace throws unhandled TimeoutException, prevents resource collection
Added an adjustable timeout setting to the EAM controller archiver. Adjusting the timeout to a higher value can prevent backup task collection errors when using a slow mapped network drive as the archive destination.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220509


5505: Using Replace multiple times on the Find/Replace window will cause an error
Fixed the Designer Find/Replace dialog when modifying multiple tag names.

5770: Non-ascii characters loaded into components nested within embedded containers intermittently throw NPE and deserialization error
Fixed issue that could occur when synchronizing property values with non-ascii characters.


5912: Quick Client doesn’t look to be closing subscriptions properly
Fixed an issue with the Quick Client that resulted in “Error unsubscribing abandoned quick client subscription” messages in the logs.

5610: Editing OPC UA URLs via Wizard is always replacing the name of OPC UA Server
When going through the endpoint discovery wizard for an existing connection, don’t suggest an update to the connection name.

Data Model

3702: Cannot shelve alarms from transaction groups
Fixed an issue with shelving alarms from transaction groups.

4613: Update Format String for CurrentDateTime gateway system tag
Changed the format string for the CurrentDateTime gateway system tag to be “yyyy-MM-dd h:mm:ss aa.”

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220510


5841: Perspective Vessel: Liquid fill level not reaching actual fill line
On upgrade and startup Ignition would sometimes fail to update Perspective’s SVG libraries over previous versions; this has been fixed. This bug caused the Vessel Symbol Component’s water level to appear incorrect as an older version of the symbol SVG libraries were retained.

1737: Alarm Tables: better strategy to reduce network payload, move more filtering to Gateway
For the Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table, move all filtering (i.e. state, priority, etc.), with the exception of text filtering which must currently be done on the front-end to support paging and sorting, to the Gateway. A strategy employed to reduce the size of alarm event payloads being received and handled by the client, in order to improve performance and browser memory usage.

5721: Alarm Tables: filtered data objects contain an empty-string key
Prevent empty associated data keys from breaking the Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table’s selection feature due to the fact that they are invalid keys ("").

5778: Responsive Alarm Status Table displays “Select” column in card
Remove the “select” label being displayed when the rows of the Alarm Status Table are in responsive layout.

5164: Alarm Status Table & Alarm Journal Table: Add option to display filter text field without interacting with icon
Add toggleableFilter prop to the toolbar configuration of the Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table. When false, the text filter is always open.

3037: Alarm Journal and Status Table: Add manual refresh capability to component
Adds a refreshData script callable method to the Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table, that requests that the data of the tables be refreshed. Useful when the value of refreshRate is large enough that the data does not update within a reasonable time frame.

Data Model

5968: Tag Editor does not render UDT Instance properties correctly when parent overrides parameter binding with a string
UDT properties that override bound values with static values are not displayed correctly in the tag editor.


2842: LogixDriver device’s tags update when Trial is expired
Prevent read and writes on Logix driver tags after trial has expired.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220511


5616: Gateway Shutdown Script not running on a project disable
Fixed an issue where a project’s Gateway Shutdown Script would not be invoked when disabling a project. Gateway Startup Script for a given project will also execute when transitioning to enabled. Additionally, importing a project or creating an inherited project will now invoke the Gateway Startup Script (if the project itself is “runnable”).

5938: During gateway shutdown, log output is not always fully synced to system_logs.idb
Logs accumulated during a gateway shutdown are now properly flushed to the system_logs.idb for visibility within the gateway web UI. Previous behavior could result in some logs being truncated during shutdown (and only visible in the wrapper log text output).


5960: When Redundant Gateway’s setup, backup gateway is running project startup scripts unexpectedly
Fixed an issue where Gateway Startup scripts for a given project might execute on a non-Active node of a redundant pair. Gateway startup and shutdown scripts execute on Active nodes of a redundant pair. During failover, ordering is not guaranteed (startup on the newly-active node may occur before shutdown script is executed on the previously-Active node).

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220512


5978: Edge zip installer does not create jre-tmp directory
Fixed an issue that would cause the jre-tmp folder to not be created on new Linux armhf/aarch64 Edge installations. Also corrected a typo in the name of the applied wrapper property for new Edge installations (8.1.15-8.1.17) from to that would cause the desired non-default temp folder of jre-tmp to not be utilized.

Data Model

4079: Tag history queries against internal historian don’t use tag’s deadband mode
Querying against the internal historian will now use the tag’s historical deadband mode when interpolating.

5965: Direct Tag Imports are no longer contextual
Direct Tag Import now correctly imports relative to selected folders.


6002: Discovery Wizard “Internal error” page against servers with unrecognized SecurityPolicy URIs
Fixed an issue in the discovery wizard when connecting to servers with endpoints using an unrecognized/invalid SecurityPolicy.


5142: Power Chart - Add ability to pan chart when completely zoomed out
This introduces a “freeRange” modifier (interaction.panAndZoom.freeRange) to the “Pan and Zoom” mode for the chart. With this modifier active the pan/zoom actions of a user will directly modify the overall time range of the chart. This modifier will force the chart to display historical data as the pan/zoom actions of a user will set the config.startDate and config.endDate values for the overall time range (which makes a real-time data display nonsensical for this functionality).

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220513


46: Update script editors to be backed by RSyntaxTextArea
Significantly updated and modernized the script editing experience throughout the designer.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220516


5985: Logix Driver shutdown hang and degraded performance
Fixed a bug that caused the Logix driver to hang during shutdown.

5985: Logix Driver shutdown hang and degraded performance
Fixed a bug that caused the Logix driver to hang during shutdown.


5980: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when trying to update a license via EAM
Fixes potential java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrors on an EAM agent when running the Update License task on the controller

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220517


4230: Tag Tooltip Text Never Appears In Tag browser
Tag tooltips now display when hovering over nodes in the Tag Browser.


5873: Increase default key length from 1024 to 2048 bit in Gateway Network
The default private key length for Gateway Network is now increased from 1024 to 2048-bit (RSA).

Data Model

5444: Remote alarm notification pipeline sends multiple pipeline events for one alarm
Remote alarm notification pipelines no longer send duplicate alarm events.


6012: Exiting out of the confirmation prompt of a UDT member’s deletion will delete the entire UDT Instance
Fixed an issue where canceling out of a confirmation dialog during a particular deletion operation on a UDT would actually delete the entire UDT instance.

5498: Power Chart, Time Series Chart: Infobox with large width value can display off of the chart
This keeps the x-trace and annotation values displaying in the center area of the chart. They will:

  • Display freely in the center if there is plenty of room
  • Orient to the left or right if there is not enough available room in a given direction
  • Attach to an inside edge of the chart if there is not enough available room in either direction

In the case of the x-trace that follows the cursor, it will attach to the inside edge of the chart to the direction of travel of the cursor when there is not enough available room in either direction. Annotations and x-trace values that do not follow the cursor will anchor to the inside edge of the left side of the chart if there is not enough available room in either direction. Note: It’s still possible to have an x-trace/annotation display off of the chart if the infobox is larger than the width of the chart. We can’t protect from that at the moment.

1428: Enhancement: Report module image caching
Added the ability to bypass image caching when generating reports.

5152: Gateway Scheduled Event: Settings/Preview don’t error out with invalid expressions
Fixed Gateway scheduled scripts improperly validating cron fields.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220519


5292: Perspective Piping - Add prop for P&ID Pipes to control gaps of overlapping pipes
Perspective Piping - Added a session prop, session.props.pipes.overlapGap. This controls the gap that is rendered when P&ID pipes overlap. Default 4. When this prop is set to 0 or a negative number no overlap is rendered and it may result in a rendering performance boost when using complex P&ID pipes.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220520

Data Model

6023: Bound alarm property cannot be overwritten via system.tag.configure using mergeOverwrite
Correctly overwrite bound alarm properties when using system.tag.configure with mergeOverwrite as collision policy.


5893: OPC UA DeviceManager does not shut down devices synchronously
Device shutdown now happens synchronously.

5987: BACnet Driver tags do not poll when COV subscription fails to renew
Fixed a bug which caused BACnet driver tags to stop updating after the COV subscription fails to renew.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.18-b20220523


5392: Writing invalid values for Unsigned datatypes causes OPC connection to timeout
Fixed a timeout when writing out of range unsigned values.
6003: Can’t browse a Node where the child NodeIds use String identifiers with extra semicolons
Fixed an issuing accessing Nodes that use semicolons in their NodeIds.
6033: Update Milo to version 0.6.6
Updated OPC UA SDK (Eclipse Milo) to version 0.6.6.

Visualization - Swing

4818: Vision window load times increase linearly with UDT template parameters from a Remote Tag Provider
Improved synchronous loading of UDT info in custom data type parameters - multiple types on the same component will now be fetched in bulk, rather than sequentially.

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