Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2023

Note: There's been a natural lull in changelogs recently. The explanation is Nightly Changelogs Stopped? (Sept 2023).

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230907



IGN-8170: Vision: Extension Functions throw error when viewed if imported from 7.9 with a completely empty script body.
Fixed an issue that caused an out-of-bounds error when viewing a components extension function script.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230908


Java - Azul

IGN-3171: Upgrade to Java 17
The bundled version of Java has been upgraded to Java 17.0.8.



IGN-259: Update/replace jnlp-opens/jnlp-exports.conf mechanism to work with client and designer launchers
Ignition's bundled Java runtime is updated to 17.0.8



IGN-7285: Pwn2Own ZDI-CAN-20499: Unlimited ConditionRefresh Method Call Resource Exhaustion
Fixed ZDI-CAN-20499 (CVE-2023-39477), a possible resource exhaustion vulnerability.
IGN-8265: Milo 0.6.11
Updated Milo OPC UA SDK to version 0.6.11.


IGN-5975: Upgrade Netty dependency due to 4xCVEs with CVSS scores of 7.5
Updated Netty dependency to 4.1.54.Final to 4.1.97.Final.



IGN-7893: Dropdown Component auto-populates unexpected additional values when searching
Fixed unwanted autocomplete behavior in the dropdown component when it's in editable mode


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230911



IGN-8263: DNP3 frozen counters throw error when unsolicited messages is enabled
Fixed an issue in the DNP3 driver which prevented frozen counter and frozen analog input values from updating when unsolicited messages is enabled.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230912



IGN-7970: Writing to an OPC tag pointing to another OPC tag in an exposed tag provider executes after hard coded timeout
Fixed an issue causing writes to OPC tags through exposed tag providers to freeze and fail after a timeout.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-7572: Backup gateway initializes 3rd party OPC tags with incorrect quality code on failover
OPC tags will now be in the correct state when a gateway from redundant pair assumes control.
IGN-7416: system.tag.exists() returns True when passed an empty string
Fixed an issue causing system.tag.exists to return true for empty strings.
IGN-4179: Add JSON array coercion to array tag types
Added JSON array coercion for array types. Users can now use methods such as jsonGet in array-typed derived tags to fetch nested elements of JSON documents in dependent tags.



IGN-8293: View fails to load when navigating away from a page with a map component using geolocation
Fixed issue where map geolocation was preventing following links to other views.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230913



IGN-8342: BACnet driver uncaught Exception Bad_NoCommunication when device is offline
Fixed a polling bug that caused Bad_NoCommunication quality to remain after a device went offline until it was forced to reconnect by e.g. edit/saving the device configuration.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230914



IGN-7396: BACnet COV Resubscription
Added a periodic background task to the BACnet driver which attempts recreating COV subscriptions that previously failed to be created or renewed. The rate at which this task runs can be adjusted via the newly added COV Subscription Retry Interval setting.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-6803: Changing Parent Data Type for UDT Instance with a different amount of members results in a ghost tag in the Tag Report Tool
Updated Tag Report Tool results to only display valid member results



IGN-8390: Parsed return type descriptions are not actually visible to users
Fixed an issue where the parsed return type description was not actually rendered in the script description popup.


Alarm Journal

IGN-7201: Alarm Journal Profiles do not allow schema designation to be prepended to table names.
Fixed an issue with database alarm journal configuration not accepting schema designation to be prepended to table names.



IGN-8057: Perspective Table: ‘value’ parameter within column subview causes scripts to break following refresh
Table view cells receive the correct value view parameter from encoded custom row objects.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230915


Alarm Status

IGN-6015: If a new alarm is disabled and enabled, it will not reappear in the status table until it goes active
Fixed an issue where disabling and enabling an alarm would not generate a proper alarm event until the alarm goes into an active state.
IGN-2978: isAlarmActive() returns Bad_NotFound if alarm is not active and gets re-enabled
Fixed an issue where isAlarmActive() expression would return Bad_NotFound qualities if an alarm was not active and gets re-enabled.



IGN-3513: Perspective Gauge's Needle starting position is out of range when Animation is set to True
Fixed gauge needle position when initial value is 0.
IGN-1844: Perspective: Google Map Component
Added new Google Map feature to Perspective that allows scriptable interactions and creating layers of Markers, OverlayViews, Ground Overlays, KML, Traffic, Transit, Bicycle, and Polygons (Circles, Rectangles, Polylines, and Polygons).


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230918


Tags & UDTs

IGN-6936: Tags: Moving a derived tag into a different folder will break any relative tag references
Fixed derived tag references breaking when moving to a folder

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230918


Tags & UDTs

IGN-6936: Tags: Moving a derived tag into a different folder will break any relative tag references
Fixed derived tag references breaking when moving to a folder

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230920


Tags & UDTs

IGN-7843: system.tag.configure with 'merge' policy on a dataset tag without an explicit dataType prop incorrectly sets value
Fixed an issue causing writes to Dataset tags through system.tag.configure with the "merge" collision policy to corrupt Dataset data.



IGN-7315: Multi-Monitor issues: Vision Calendar Popup displays outside the Vision client window
Fixed an issue where the Vision Calendar Popup was not displaying correctly in multi-monitor setups
IGN-7944: Easy Chart doesn’t display when Starting a Vision Client with the language set to Turkish
Fixed various issues related to improper 'case-folding' in certain locales (e.g. Turkish) causing dataset lookup by column name to fail.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230921



IGN-8002: Docker Image: Move to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Updated OCI container image base from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Tag Historian

Tag Historian

IGN-8408: Unable to send tag historical data to the Canary historian.
Fixed an issue where Tag History storage wouldn't be accepted to targeted DataSink if matching Tag History provider didn't exist.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-6771: Expression tag calling runNamedQuery fails on gateway restart
Expression Tags calling runNamedQuery will now be evaluated on gateway start/restart



IGN-8050: Perspective: Table Column Filters Display Incorrect Colors When Columns are Sorted
Fixed issue where filtered table columns were not displayed in the correct active state.



IGN-8336: Sanitize launch parameters provided by the gateway before launching designers and vision clients
The Designer Launcher and Vision Client Launcher now perform stricter sanitization of launch command arguments


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230922



IGN-4716: Perspective loading screen text is cut-off when in landscape orientation on smaller mobile devices
Added loading screen message for new client creation and fixed loading screen layout on landscape oriented smaller displays.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.33-SNAPSHOT-b20230925



IGN-3809: Improve the script console's default header to provide info to new users
Modified the Designer script console banner to display information useful to the user.
IGN-8363: Update Batik library from 1.16 to 1.17 to address CVSS v3.x High CVE
Updated batik library dependency from 1.16 to 1.17 due to CVEs.


IGN-4417: Vision Date Range Component doesn't update displayed current range when going from small range to max range
Fixed an issue where the Date Range Component wouldn't update the displayed selected range when changing from a smaller range selection to the maximum selection

Gateway Network

Gateway Network

IGN-7722: Add file transfer resume functionality to the gateway network
The EAM Remote Upgrade task can now resume an interrupted upgrade zip file transfer, if the agent gateway also supports file resume.

Duplicate caused by lull in new code.

Duplicate caused by lull in new code.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.34-SNAPSHOT-b20231003



IGN-6870: The Build System autogenerating a "software bill of materials" (SBOM) is required for government sales
a Software Bill of Materials in SPDX 2.2 (JSON) format is now included with Ignition


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.34-SNAPSHOT-b20231003



IGN-6870: The Build System autogenerating a "software bill of materials" (SBOM) is required for government sales
a Software Bill of Materials in SPDX 2.2 (JSON) format is now included with Ignition

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.34-SNAPSHOT-b20231009



IGN-7418: Organize drop target popup menu into folders by template path
The dropped template menu in Vision now automatically intelligently builds nested menus for all possible template options, making large projects with many templates easier to manage.


IGN-8022: Renaming option not available for Vision folder immediately after creating folder within Vision workspace in designer
Fixed an issue where Vision window and template folders were sometimes not able to be renamed.
IGN-7965: Designer: New/overridden inherited project resources get discarded after selecting “Revert Changes” on a project resource.
Fixed the behavior of the 'Discard Changes' option on overridden resources to walk up parent folders and discard them as well if they held only the resource that is being discarded.



IGN-8378: Property Editor "view.path" prop with a value of null causes NPE
Fixed possible NPE with property editor "view.path" prop.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.34-SNAPSHOT-b20231011



IGN-7814: Invalid scheduled script cron syntax prevents gateway from starting
Fixed an issue where invalid cron syntax in a scheduled script would prevent the gateway from starting up.