Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2023

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230724



IGN-5347: Environment variables with non-ASCII characters prevent Ignition Clients from launching
Gateways or Vision clients running on a Windows system with non-ASCII characters in a system environment variable name would fail to start due to Python exceptions being thrown.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230801



IGN-7792: Accept Encodable in system.bacnet.writeRaw
Both the system.bacnet.writeRaw and system.bacnet.writeRawMultiple scripting functions now skips strict checks on the expected write value, determined by the object type and property identifier, if the write value being passed in is an Encodable. This allows writes to vendor-specific object and properties that the driver does not have explicit support for.
IGN-7832: Add "writeRawMultiple" function to system.bacnet
Added the system.bacnet.writeRawMultiple scripting function which allows multiple object/property combinations to be written to at the same time.
IGN-7753: Add "readRawMultiple" function to system.bacnet
Added the system.bacnet.readRawMultiple scripting function which allows multiple object/property combinations to be read at the same time.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230801



IGN-7792: Accept Encodable in system.bacnet.writeRaw
Both the system.bacnet.writeRaw and system.bacnet.writeRawMultiple scripting functions now skips strict checks on the expected write value, determined by the object type and property identifier, if the write value being passed in is an Encodable. This allows writes to vendor-specific object and properties that the driver does not have explicit support for.
IGN-7832: Add "writeRawMultiple" function to system.bacnet
Added the system.bacnet.writeRawMultiple scripting function which allows multiple object/property combinations to be written to at the same time.
IGN-7753: Add "readRawMultiple" function to system.bacnet
Added the system.bacnet.readRawMultiple scripting function which allows multiple object/property combinations to be read at the same time.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230803


Alarm Journal

IGN-7926: Associated Data inserts into alarm_event_data is sent sequentially, multiplying latency
Changed alarm_event_data database writes to use batching instead of individual inserts.

Alarm Status

IGN-6879: Pop3 error message continues to fire even after disabling alarm notification profile
Fixed Email Notification profiles to only poll Pop3 server when profile is enabled

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230804


Alarm Status

IGN-6714: Error thrown when attempting to re-acknowledge a local alarm if remote acknowledgement is disallowed by service security
Alarm acknowledgments are no longer sent to remote gateways that disallow remote acknowledgments.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230807


Tags & UDTs

IGN-3321: Writing a PyDictionary to a document tag results in a Error_TypeConversion bad quality; it should coerce instead.
Add Python Dictionary type coercion to document tags
IGN-4593: Value change tag event script gets executed unneccessarily
Value change scripts no longer fire when a tag's quality changes


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230808


Tags & UDTs

IGN-7867: Typo for tag total in Connected Devices OPC Browser designer window
Fixed typo for tag total in Connected Devices OPC Browser designer window

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-8039: EAM Send Tags task allows tag changes to be saved on a non-active redundant node
Fixed issue where the EAM Send Tags task was allow to post tag configuration changes to a non-active redundant node

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230809

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-7721: Allow an EAM task to be retried against agents that failed to complete the task
One-shot EAM tasks can now be retried after task failure. The task is only retried for agents that failed.
IGN-7719: Modify the EAM Remote Upgrade prep task to allow Ignition zip to be downloaded from an alternate URL
THE EAM Remote Upgrade prep task can now be configured with a URL that points to an Ignition upgrade zip file. The zip file can be downloaded directly by agents instead of passing through the gateway network.



IGN-6925: NPE in UAByteUtilities when writing a null value
Prevented an NPE from being thrown when attempting to write nulls values via the Siemens S7 Driver.



IGN-5169: Power & TimeSeries Chart: improve interaction with, and visual representation of X-axis as the chart is zoomed and panned
Fixed a bug that was causing zooming and panning to not work on the X-axis.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230810



IGN-2795: Add query type combobox in DB Query browser
Added a combo box for selecting query type mode (Select or Update) in the query browser, including a default "Auto" option that maintains previous behavior and auto-detects the mode, ensuring clarity on query execution.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230811


Tags & UDTs

IGN-2542: Dataset Tag containing java.awt.Font column imports as NULL
Imported Dataset Tags containing java.awt.Font columns are now imported without any errors



IGN-7892: Modifying project scripts in the Designer without saving updates the Gateway script manager
Fixed an issue where modified project scripts could execute on the Gateway before saving.
IGN-3910: File descriptor leak caused by "import socket" :dragon:
Now running Python script closers when saving project scripts to avoid leaking resources.



IGN-7746: Docker Image: Upgrading a mature docker image past 8.1.25 can fail due to “chown: Too many Arguments”
Fixed an issue for the Docker image that could cause an error during migrating data volume file ownership on upgrade.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230814



IGN-7609: Java Protobuf update fixes 4x CVSS V3 7.5 CVEs
Update Protobuf dependency from 3.8.0 to 3.22.5.



IGN-3223: Shorten names of Perspective Session Events in dialog list UI
Changed "Key Events" to "Keystroke" in session events list.


Alarm Notification

IGN-4032: SMTP settings only changed when saving one-way email notification profile
Fix issue preventing "from" address from defaulting to username for One-way email notifications

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230815



IGN-8149: SimpleXMLReader is vulnerable to XXE attacks
Fixed ZDI-CAN-17571 / CVE-2023-39472 which mitigates a potential XXE vulnerability



IGN-8018: Calling ["isCleared"] from a PyAlarmEvent is returning function instead of Boolean
Fixed an issue where isCleared off of a PyAlarmEvent (like those returned in a list from system.alarm.queryStatus() call) would return a bound method instead of the boolean state.


Cloud Edition - AWS

IGN-8192: Bump the bundled version of Cirrus Link modules to 4.0.18
Updated Ignition Cloud Edition bundled Cirrus Link MQTT modules to version 4.0.18

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230817



IGN-6418: Parse docstrings per Google style guide to match up parameter descriptions and return types
Project script function and class docstrings are now parsed according to Google's Python style guide to extract method parameters, return information, and limited type awareness.



IGN-8152: Deeply nested popup menus created with system.gui.createPopupMenu() open at the wrong location
Fixed an issue with system.gui.createPopupMenu() causing incorrect opening locations for deeply nested popup menus.



IGN-7026: Consider moment.js upgrade (2.29.2+) in Ignition 8.1.x
Upgrade moment.js due to possible vulnerability in current version.
IGN-3642: Breakpoint Container: ability to listen to container height instead of container width
Breakpoint container can also be configured to break on height via new "determinant" property.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230818



IGN-7972: woodstox-core update for CVE with CVSSv3 score of 7.5 (High)
Updated Apache Santuario (XML Security) dependency from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230821



IGN-6908: support GAN AllowedProxyHops as Docker Env Var and via
Gateway Network general configuration settings are now configurable via entries of the with keys of the form<field name> and environment variables with keys of the form GATEWAY_NETWORK_<field name>.



IGN-6333: Handle or warn on installs and upgrades when the user has limited free space on the target disk
Added a warning prompt for installations and upgrades when the user has limited free space on the target disk.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-8154: TagHistoryProps.register is not being called until specific actions on the Gateway are performed preventing legacy remapping from initializing
Tag History properties are now queryable immediately after starting the gateway

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230822



IGN-7007: Optimize PropertyTree.getColorValue
Small color property value performance optimization.
IGN-7556: SVG Icon Parsing Blocking UI Logic
Improved icon rendering performance and page load times.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-6938: System.tag.browse is not case-insensitive for UDT instance typeIds.
System.tag.browse is now case insensitive when filtering on any String values



IGN-1735: Easy Chart startDate's indirect tag bindings is not resolving to the expected tag value
Fixed occasional incorrect date assignments in Easy Chart when using tag bindings for Start Date and End Date properties

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230822


Cloud Edition - AWS

IGN-7989: Update Cloud License to have MQTT Distributor be explicitly set to edition=standard
Updated the Config->Licenses section of gateway web UI to show edition=standard as a license detail off of MQTT Distributor

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230823

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-8237: EAM Remote Upgrade fails when upgrading a Linux agent - Ignition 8.1.31
Linux EAM agents initially installed with version 8.1.31 may be missing file /etc/sudoers.d/99-Ignition-Gateway, which prevents subsequent EAM upgrades. This file is now included again when performing a new install.


Alarm Status

IGN-8046: Shelved Alarms do not persist across Gateway Restart when unrelated misconfigured alarmed tags exist
Fix alarm persistence to restore shelved alarms on system restart



IGN-7236: Vision Power Table: getSelectedRows() can return incorrect results after applying a filter.
Fixed Vision Power Table's getSelectedRows() function generating wrong outputs when a filter was applied

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230824



IGN-8109: Bump jose4j dependency to the latest
Updated jose4j dependency from 0.7.12 to 0.9.3



IGN-8052: system.opc.writeValues() returning ‘Good’ quality while unable to write unicode value to INT OPC tag
Fixed an issue where system.opc.writeValue(s) fails to coerce Unicode to the OPC item's numerical backing data type. Instead of writing the numerical value represented by Unicode, a zero would be erroneously written instead.


IGN-7860: Unsolicited Messages stop updating DNP3 tags after Master resumes control
Fixed an issue in the DNP3 driver where unsolicited messaging stops working when a redundant gateway regains control from a failover, causing tag subscriptions from updating.


Alarm Status

IGN-2145: initial cleared acked event is stored to alarm journal although no prior active event
New alarms which aren't created in an active state no longer create a cleared acked event by default

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.32-SNAPSHOT-b20230825


Alarm Status

IGN-8276: IGN-2145 Causes No Default State for an Alarm causing multiple Backend Alarms tasks to behave very differently
Fixed an issue with alarms not undergoing “initial base” event state. In addition, these specific events will no longer be stored to the journal system.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-8227: System.tag.writeBlocking will timeout when run within a system.tag.writeAsync callback function in gateway scope
Fixed a bug that caused system.tag.writeBlocking to timeout when invoked inside a system.tag.writeAsync callback function.
IGN-8025: Tag Report Tool: not respecting tag provider permission settings
Tag Report Tool and `system.tag.query` respect tag provider permission settings of both local and remote providers.

Platform Core


IGN-8245: Edge project created with new install does not have "edge" tag provider set as default
Fixed issue where new Ignition Edge installations were not automatically selecting the edge tag provider in the Designer tag browser at startup.

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-4946: Provide Useful Error Message When Trial Is Expired And Remote Upgrade Is Attempted
Error logging for when an EAM Remote Upgrade Task is attempted on an Agent that is in Trial Mode.



IGN-7407: Tag Browse Tree Component does not Populate when a Role is Specified in the Tag Read Permissions
Tag Browse Tree component respects tag read permissions.
IGN-5580: Tag Tree Browser: Provide the ability to search for tags
Added tag search functionality to Tag Browse Tree component.