IGN-9774: Backport Perspective related fixes in IGN-4765
Added a new Designer system property ignition.perspective.designerSaveTimeout, default of 60 (seconds) that controls how long the Designer will wait for the embedded browser frame to return results. Improved async handling and error messaging if issues are encountered while waiting for browser resources during a save operation.
IGN-10408: XY Chart: Failure to Render Value Axis after using Empty Datasource
Fixed an issue in the XY Chart where value axes fail to render if a series was previously deleted or cleared.
IGN-2389: Table: use translation API for table
Fixed an issue with the Perspective Table where certain text properties (filter's placeholder text, text by the # of results when using the filter, headers/footers, no data/filter results text) were not translated with terms from the Translation Manager.
IGN-10965: Component JSON schema ignores 'example' keyword on properties in nested objects
Fixed an issue where nested 'example' properties in a component's JSON schema were ignored.
**IGN-10886: System.util.jsonEncode() does not work with arrays when the IndentFactor parameter is set **
Fixed an issue with system.util.jsonEncode that prevented encoding arrays and tuples when an indentFactor was specified.
IGN-11031: Session keepalive loop broken if keepalive attempts to send before a page is connected
Fixed an issue that caused the Gateway to stop sending keepalive messages to a Perspective Session if a keepalive is sent before a page is connected. IGN-6807: Radio Buttons clicked in a Flex Repeater move the Repeater up the View
Fixed an issue that caused Radio Buttons to shift up a View when clicked within a Flex Repeater.
IGN-11086: Renaming the Gateway System Name Leads to Additional Entries in the sqlth_drv Table
Fixed an issue when changing the Gateway System Name that could result in duplicate entries in the sqlth_drv table.
IGN-11366: Bump the bundled version of Cirrus Link modules to 4.0.25
Updated Ignition Cloud Edition bundled Cirrus Link MQTT modules to version 4.0.25.
IGN-9529: system.alarm.queryStatus does not work with remote providers without an additional wildcard in source filter
Fixed issue where querying alarm status with a wildcard provider value in the source filter was not returning remote alarm events
IGN-8435: Bindings on alarm properties disappear when editing alarms with the same name on multiple tags
Fixed an issue where bindings on alarm properties were replaced with a blank value when modifying multiple tags with the same alarm name in the tag editor
IGN-4949: Power Chart: Tag Browser's root path incorrect when tagBrowserStartPath is bound and not Persistent
Fixed an issue that caused the Power Chart's Tag Browser to display an incorrect start path when the tagBrowserStartPath property is bound.
IGN-10536: system.db.runNamedQuery w/ Security Cannot Be Run 8.1.34+
Fixed issue where system.db.runNamedQuery failed to execute from certain gateway scopes when Security is used.
IGN-10255: Alarm is stuck inside pipeline after meeting a disabled dropout condition
Fixed an issue where alarms were getting stuck in alarm pipelines despite meeting dropout conditions.
IGN-10241: Table: pager, initialOption is useless when bound
Introduced new activeOption pager property to the Table that allows for changing the number of rows displayed at runtime.
IGN-11443: Update Milo to 0.6.15
Update Milo to version 0.6.15.
IGN-11362: Upgrade BACnet4J library to v6.0.1
Upgraded BACnet4J library to version 6.0.1.
IGN-11472: Sessions in Perspective App fail to reconnect if max idle time is reached
Fixed an issue that prevented sessions in the Perspective App from reconnecting if max idle time was reached.
IGN-11472: Sessions in Perspective App fail to reconnect if max idle time is reached
Fixed an issue that prevented sessions in the Perspective App from reconnecting if max idle time was reached.
**IGN-11594: DNP3 drivers assume all responses with the “Parameters Invalid or Out of Range” flag are bad. **
Allow for partial responses to explicit read requests that have IIN error bits set.