Perspective Direct RFID Badge Login using Key Events


I would to use the new Perspective key events (New Feature: Perspective Key Events) feature to allow operators to log in using RFID badge from anywhere in Perspective, without navigating to the login page first.

Right now, I would be able to recognise the known RFID HID keystroke pattern by regex, and call system.perspective.login, which will take me to the idP login page. Another tap will log in.

Ideally, I would like to call system.perspective.login(badgenumber) from the key event, which would ask the idP to attempt to log in using the supplied badge which has already been read. I know the login function deliberately does not support a provided username and password, but can this work as a feature request?

If there is another way to allow login using a badge without first navigating to the login page, I’m keen to hear.


Sounds like a valid Feature Request to me. I can't see anything like that already in there. If you create one, post the link back here to get more visibility.

Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer in terms of other methods :sweat_smile:

I thought as much is true for now. I don’t want to create a feature request if it is some sort of big idP trust security no-no.

Let’s see what @jspecht says.

Yeah, I was going to mention that passing the badge in that way may be a big security hole, but if the developer/end user is explicitly aware :man_shrugging: although real lif isn’t that simple I suppose :sweat_smile:

I would think this is as the whole point of an IdP is to be separate from the application. Inductive may be able to bend some rules because it's their own IdP, but cybersecurity is nutty these days. At least on a good note, they can just simply tap the badge twice to get in without needing to type credentials. That is pretty cool IMO. Thanks for the idea, I have one application now that just logs out after inactivity, but it would be cool to keep a read only dashboard version running.

This is unlikely to happen for the same reason you can’t pass a username and password to system.perspective.login. IdP support in Ignition is a separate ‘module’ from Perspective entirely, specifically because we have to support different IdPs, not just Ignition’s implementation. Adding features like this, that only sometimes work, sounds like a recipe for confused users and headaches for support.

Which is not to say it couldn’t ever happen, but that it’s unlikely to.


I thought this would be the case.

One tap to get to the login page and another to log in is already a huge usability improvement. A direct login would have been ideal.

Maybe someday.