Perspective Referencing CSS Variables changed?

I would normally reference CSS variables with var(--var-name), but I accidentally just typed --var-name into a style prop value, and it worked... have I been unnecessarily wrapping in var() this whole time?? Without the wrapper function, I no longer get a warning too

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I don't want to say it, but...yes, you have :see_no_evil:

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Well then... off I go to remove 10%* of the words in my project :man_facepalming:

*may be an exaggeration for dramatic effect

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I found out why I used var(...). You need to use this within Perspective Styles :confused: You can't just use the variable name there. I'd like to know the technical reason why for understanding

for css you need the var(), so i guess perspective must have a function that converts this in the designer. when it sees the "--"

imho you should still use var(), even with the warning

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