I must be missing something simple, but how do you change the size of the circle bullets in the XY Chart?
I've tried setting the height & width of the bullet property to everything from 0, 0.1, 1, 50 and more, but there is no change in the size of the circles. I've tried adding 'px' and '%' at the end with no success.
This doesn't quite provide the solution that I'm looking for. My ultimate goal is to make the bullets smaller in size.
The stroke property only controls the outline of the bullets not the actual size. I can set the stroke to 0, but there is no noticeable difference from 1.
The following images might help illistrate my issues. I made the stroke 0.5 and the bullet width & height 0.1, but it is the same as if I made the bullet width and height 50:
You are correct. The width and height properties of the bullets do not seem to have any perceivable effect on how the bullets are rendered, even in label mode. One work around could be to use the the ⬤ character with the render property set to label. If a fontSize style property is added, this will change size of the bullet to whatever is specified, but with this approach, you would lose your outline, and perhaps worse, the fontstyle property also affects the tick and axis labels, so going too small would make those labels unreadable.
Beyond that, I don't see a designer accessible way to do this, so I must reiterate your original question to the community because I too am curious: are the width and height bullet properties working correctly, and if so, what are they for?
From a previous post, your solution is the only way that I found to change the bullet size, but I started noticing issues with rendering/loading times: Perspective XYChart Bullet Render Shape
I was using that method for awhile (with this symol ●), but noticed a significant slow down in the chart rendering depending on the amount of lines using labels. For example, a chart with all circles was loading in 1 or 2 seconds, but when it had all the lines as labels, it could take 10 or more seconds to render everything. The relationship holds true for using a mixture of circles and labels: more labels = more time.
Since then, I've switch 3 lines to circles, 1 to just a line, and left 2 as rendered labels. But with the big circlular bullets, it can become unreadable.