Plant Layout zoom

I am in a tough situation. I want to add all the E-stops in the plant on one perspective overview screen.
When I take a screenshot of the autocad layout then the line names etc are blury because the screenshot does not have enough resolution.
I can get autocad file or pdf 36x48" for better resolution, but that won't fit on a screen and I could not find a easier zoom into a area like the map feature in ignition. I read some discussion about floor plan in this forum but could not much progress.
Reaching out to for direction. Thank you.

Search pan/zoom on this forum. BIJC has a module you can use:

There are also some on the exchange:

I would create an SVG for the layout. Inkscape is free and easy to use.

@jlandwerlen Thank you for the pointers. I used inkscape to create SVG for the plant Layout, the CAD file was 89MB and the resulting SVG turned out 248MB.
I am worried that file size will create latency issues. 3,702,514 rows when I checked in notepad :person_facepalming:
I would appreciate your help

Speaking from experience some CAD software will make a single line element for every line segment in a drawing instead of joining them together into a path or a shape. (Looking at you, AutoCAD).

Did you create a drawing from scratch or import a DWG or similar showing every nut and bolt in the plant?

The AutoCAD file (89MB) was built over many years by many. So best practices were followed or not I was not sure :thinking:
so based on YouTube findings. The autocad file, I flatten, overkill and Purge to remove as much as redundancies etc as I can. Then exported it to pdf and then Imported the pdf (5.5MB) into InkScape -> Saved as -> SVG.
Selected all objects - Ctrl+A and then tried Path -> Simplify. The result is 248MB SVG.

How complex is the layout? I usually import the original and then draw on top. You don't have to show every little detail for this to be useful.

Thank you all, looks like there is no easy fix. I noticed there are over 300 layers, I painfully turned about 290 layers off and still looked like a image that I can use it. Turned out that was still too large for parsing using any tools.
Oh well, atleast I tried :slight_smile:

Just a thought: try Inkscape's Path | Simplify (Ctrl-L) operation on the selection. It works very well after converting artistic bitmap images to vector (Path | Trace Bitmap) but I don't know how it would work with a technical drawing. You might need to play with some of the other Path menu actions first.

@Transistor, I tried that. I think the key was to turn off over 290 layers in the CAD file. Also remove all colors print B&W. Now the file size is 197MB. Still too large, I am trying to find other layers that I turn off and bring the file size down even more.
What would be SVG file size I should target for a responsive HMI interaction ?

Finally breakthrough. Now I see the file size as 10 MB. I had to hide all equipment details and just grab the building outline and line names and some minor details I could not hide. However the image when it was brought into Ignition as too big, On 27" monitor I had to zoom out to 33% to see the whole overview page.

IMO that's still way too big. For a building outline just do a trace or draw it again.

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