Project screenshots - share yours

Sharing some of our screens for Central SCADA of Water Supply / Waste Water Treatment Facilities


This my 3D implementation of a plant in perspective.
Perspective is very fun tool.
Ignition 8.0.12


That is sick! Awesome work @nader.chinichian !!


@nader.chinichian That’s incredible. Any chance you could give a high level overview on how you accomplished that?


Great work Nader. Question. Are you using CSS transitions to do the animations between the floors?

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I just use keyframes and 3d CSS command in both perspective style and light.css file for theming.
Right now for animation you have to
add your code in light.css. I ask a lot for adding some sort of input to add your keyframes in each component from IA.


Hola Antonio, Felicitaciones por tu trabajo. quería saber con que programa dibujas las imagenes del fondo. muchas gracias

Best to use inkscape

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thanks you Nader!

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hi @lachguerabdallah, these are screenshots from a vision client.

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It’s definitely with vision

I suppose the geo maps are from the Kymera module

Hi !
Can you please let me know which brand of transducer you are using to monitor voltage/amp?

I have very interesting this projects…


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You are wild man, I do wish i understood CSS as well as you do! lol


Just some added information. If you are using any VFD’s then I would read from their Modbus address.

I understand this may not work for your needs, but it’s an easy way to get the information you seek.


I want read amp, voltage, frequency, kw, kva, Kvar and PF from distribution panel/ feeders panel or Generators control panel…
Please give me an ideas.

Ask the panel builder if they have a Modbus interface?

There is all kinds of Industrial Power equipment that provides a Modbus output and it would give you everything you listed and more.

Schneider provide Modbus with most of their power related equipmentATV900_Communication_parameters_NHA80944_V2.2.xlsx|attachment (254.4 KB)

Here’s a list of the communication parameters for the Altivar 900 drive. Have a look and see what can be pulled with Modbus.

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Previously I thought only VFD have Modbus communication. But now I know some power meters have Modbus communication. Thanks…
I’m trying to do demo. Without having any projects.
I want ask some questions.
can I connect Modbus module directly to Ignition SCADA without using PLC?
Can I use one PLC to read/write more than 10 Modbus communication module?

“can I connect Modbus module directly to Ignition SCADA without using PLC?”
YES, You just need to know and understand how Ignition addresses MODBUS.

“Can I use one PLC to read/write more than 10 Modbus communication module?”
YES, I do this all the time, I use a single plc controller setup to communicate with several VFD’s (12 to be exact). All done with Modbus/Tcp. You just need to know and understand networks.

There will be a lot of people on this forum that can help. But I think you may need to start a new “THREAD” as this really has nothing to do with “Project Screenshots” . This might be the reason you don’t have more replys.