[IGN-4846]Rename Tag Providers in cloned project

I've seen something similar as well. If you go into your templates and check your binding values, are they looking at the correct tag or still using the old tag path?

For me, I was using 8.1.5 and for example had a Template that had a few properties defined, 2 of which were:

  • parentTagPath (Template parameter)
  • tagPath (Internal custom property)

tagPath was bound to an expression that used parentTagPath. I used find and replace to replace parts in the parentTagPath, but the tagPath never updated. The parentTagPath was showing correctly renamed. I tried saving the template, restarting the gateway to no avail. The only thing that I found to fix it was to re-save the binding on tagPath - no change to it, just open it and press OK. Then it came good. I had to do this MANY times...

I posted the bug here: