Report Table repeating on every page

I have two tables in my report. Table A and Table B.

If anyone one of the table is not getting accumulated on current page then it will continue with the next page. But when anyone table gets on the second page, The table which was finished at page 1 also gets repeated on every page .
If the table is finished on a page I do not want it to be get repeated on next page. That space should remail blank
Pls let me know what to do

You have to put both tables in a table group. The table group will then span the pages as you wish.

I have to do something like : two tables side by side and the third table just below both of this two tables.

like first the above two tables should be polulated completely only then the thrid table below should start.
I kno to use Table group (Peer) for the third table to get popilated just after the above table finishes but was stuck why the table which is completely polulated on the page 1 is getting repeated on the next pages

Huh. Never had to do that. Not sure it can be done while also spanning pages. :man_shrugging:

The thing is I have to print out the whole page visibile in the browser.
I tried using component event - RequestPrint. But that thing is only printing the things which are currently visible on the screen and not printing the whole page.
Even tried playing with the "Page","View" and "component" optings which are available for the Request print event

That is totally unrelated to Reporting.

Please explain what you really need to do.

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Client requirement is that he wants to print all the things as it looks like on the view
So I Decided to make a report which looks like it which can be downloaded and later printed.

If there’s another way to achieve the outcome pls let me know

Size of T1 and T2 is not same
May vary and have different sizes
T3 should start only after T1 and T2

Is there a size limit to T1 and T2? Can you guarantee that T1 and T2 will not be longer than 1 page, for example?

No T1 and T2 size are not fixed.
In mostly T2 will be larger than T1 and may spill out to second page


I don't recommend this approach; I haven't tried it, and I'm not even 100% sure it will work. This is just a fun exercise because I got nerd-sniped. Except under extreme duress, I would not do this. I would try to convince my customer to accept a report with a format more aligned with the reporting module's paradigm. Now that you've been warned...

There are two ways that you maybe could do this.

  1. More complex but gives you a better control over how table headings display when pages wrap.
  2. Less complex, but there will be some wrapping scenarios where you can't control the table headings as nicely.

Method 1

Gather your data for T1 and T2 from two different sources and use a script data source to combine them into three different tables we'll call T1-2', T1', and T2'.

  • T1-2' would have as many rows as the shorter of T1 and T2. It will have the same number of columns as T1 + T2, and every cell will have a value.
  • For additional rows in T1 or T2:
    • Rows are added from T1 to T1' or from T2 to T2'
      • Either T1' or T2' will have zero rows by definition.

Combine T1-2', T1', T2', and T3 into one table group. This will control the vertical wrapping.

Other settings/concepts you'll need to tweak to get the formatting right:

  • Keychain expressions
    • You'll need to use keychain expressions to get the formatting right if you want borders around your tables (particularly on the bottom of the shorter of T1 and T2).
  • Row versions
    • 99% of the time you probably don't want headings at the very beginning of T1' or T2'.
      • One of these has no data, so you don't need headings
      • The other has data but probably is butted up against T1-2' which has its own headings at the top of the page.
    • 1% of the time you're going to get unlucky and T1-2' will be exactly one page long, and you'll want the headings on either T1' or T2'
    • You can probably accommodate both of these cases using some combination of "First Row," "Standard," "Reprint," and "Split Header" rows. This is left as an exercise for the reader...
  • Coordination between T1-2', T1', and T2'. Both of these will be a pain to setup and an even bigger pain to maintain if changes are eventually made to the report.
    • You will need to carefully align the columns of T1-2' with T1', and T2'.
    • You will need to make sure the cell values for the columns of T1-2' are the same as their respective columns in T1' and T2'

Method 2

Gather your data for T1 and T2 from two different sources and use a script data source to combine them into one table, T1-2'.

  • Like before, T1-2' has the same number of columns as T1 + T2.
  • This time, however, T1-2' will have the same number of rows as the greater of T1 and T2.
  • When either T1 or T2 has no more remaining rows, the cell values in T1-2' for the exhausted table would be NULL.

As before, combine T1-2' and T3 in a table group.

Formatting considerations:

  • You can probably use keychain expressions to format the NULL values as blank space. If you can't, this whole method is probably moot. Determining this is left as an exercise for the reader...
  • Keychain expressions on cell borders can probably achieve something that resembles two tables side by side.
  • I can't think of a way to have headers for T1 and T2 reprint on every page where there is data and not reprint when there isn't data. This is the downside of this method. You could prevent heading reprinting altogether which may be acceptable to you.

Ok will give this a try and let you know the outcome

It worked.
Wrote a script to merge both the datasets and formatted the table as per the need.

Hello Phil, Could I generate pages with a Bar Chart automatically? Because I need to show up to 12 bars in one page, if it's more the others 12 in another page and so on... thanks

Yes, but you would have to arrange your queries to deliver a top-level row for every twelve bars.

Phil, but i don't have a table, I have a Bar Chart only... I didn 't understand when you said "arrange my queries"... thanks again

Sorry, I assumed you read all of my advice in this topic, including:

You need an outer query that produces one row per chart, and inner queries that actually supply the chart data for each of those outer rows. This is typically organized with a table group, but might be done with unstructured rows in a single table. You need one or the other.

Hello Phil, I understood everything. I have been testing your proposal, but I forgot to tell you the data is dynamic.
The data depends on the date range, if the result of search are 50 data, it must generate 5 pages of 12 data each page plus 2 at the end, if they are 28 data, 3 pages with 12 data each page plus 4 at the end.
Could I generate pages dynamically?

Thanks again for your help

You will likely need to construct your report data with a script data source instead of SQL.

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Thanks again Phil, but it seems this is not easy, paging dynamically is not trivial, I don't know if it exists help or examples to do that...