Reading the various post on this subject indicates that the RPI 5 cannot be used for local vision clients. Error msg like "Can't load AMD 64 .so on a AARCH64 platform".
Have anyone a relatively new succesfull installation of Ignition Edge on RPI 5 with both remote and local vision client working? If so - can we create an updated manual for this?
For information - running a 16GB RPI5 installed Ubuntu 24.10 java openjdk version 21.0.6 build 21.0.6+7-Ubuntu-124.10.1. Ignition edge 8.1.45 is running java 17.0.13+11-LTS
Read below for a more detailed description.
BR Adam
A working updated installation manual for Ignition Edge on RPI5 could be very use full.
The idea is to use an RaspberryPi 5 as development platform for panel PC's before releasing it on the much more expensive production panel-pc's. Working with education this combination is very use full.
Installing Ubuntu Desktop on RPI5 combined with the ARM version AARCH64 of the Edge gateway works using the official Inductive guidelines. Remote use of Designer and Vision Client works fine. The problem arise when trying to run the Vision Client locally.
There is only a vision client launcher for Linux - the included java version does not run in AARCH/Pi ubuntu - "cannot execute binary file".. Downloading a Java runtime version for the ubuntu/pi makes it possible for java to run. Using this with the included visionclientlauncher jar file fails. a) the .sh files is not vaild for ubuntu and b) when opening it directly with the java -jar command gives error messages that suggest the .jar file will not work on the pi's arm architecture. This fails - reading all the logs error messages etc. hints me towards the conclusion that the .jar file must be created for the arm/Pi processor.
Thanks for a quick answer. Tried the solution - but still stuck with the error that suggest that the -jar file is not compiled for the AARCH64 (Pi).
Is there a reason for that the the Ignition GW and Ignition Edge has a specific version for the Pi - but the vision client launcher does not?
There are specifik packages for the AARCH64 (the Pi) for Ignition GW and Ignition Edge. These are group under the ARM section. I think these are made specifically for the AARCH64 processor. There is no package for AARCH64 for the vision client launcher.
Is it wrong to conclude that Igntion Edge panel is not fully supported on the AARCH64 platform?
However knowing that you dont support the RPI we will shift away from that. We were looking for an easy and cheap way to have a learning environment for Ignition Edge Panel solution for our many students. However if it is generally not supported we will have problems along the road when upgrading etc. We will try to finde an x86/linux solution and hope that is fully supported.
Edge Panel can be used with Perspective instead of Vision, though you'll still need to run the Designer on a separate PC for development. If you're looking for an all-in-one solution for both developing with the Designer, and running Vision, all on the same hardware, the RPi isn't it.
I was under the impression that Perspective Workstation has the same limitations as the Vision Client Launcher on the RPi. So, Vision via custom scripted launch, or Perspective via Browser only. And Vision cannot use the Web Browser component on the RPi.
You could reconsider to revise the description on your homepage.
Under the description of Ignition Edge:
"With support for ARM processors, Ignition Edge can run on devices like a Raspberry Pi or the latest generation of edge-of-network devices."
I have a client that combines an RPi, the RPi standard 7" color touchscreen, and a custom enclosure to yield a super-cheap Vision Client (~$250 IIRC) to mount on dozens of super-simple machines.
I don't know anyone who runs Edge Panel on the RPi in production.
Ignition Edge can run on Raspberry Pi's, and most people dealing with Edge only care about the Gateway at the edge.
Marketing gonna market. Doubt they're going to see the need to muddy that up. Maybe somewhere in the user manual, if it's not better explained there already.
We do the same, I have +80 machines like this. However, they have since been converted from Vision to Perspective sessions since they do not interface with the machine.
Ah. My client did wire the RPi to the machine for simple status and production counting. (Pushed to the Gateway via WebDev.)
But also, using Vision was crucial to reliably establishing and tracking which client was on which machine, where the machines were behind a NAT. Perspective cannot do that.
The solution I was looking for to have a learning lab for our students. Do you think it will be possible for me to have some info on how it is accomplished?
That particular deployment has a bunch of stuff under NDA. It would be a trial to separate what I'm entitled to share from what is there. I recommend:
Learn to use, particularly to launch in full screen mode.
Learn to use the XFCE desktop.
Learn to use a custom .Xsession with the login manager's auto-login functionality to launch the Vision client for that user instead of the normal desktop. That way, when the Vision client exits (for any reason), the session will end, go back to the login screen, and relaunch if not interrupted manually.
after including the the java opt in the .sh file it exits with
Feb 26, 2025 4:52:56 PM com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.launch.util.JpmsModuleUtilities allModuleConditionsMet
WARNING: JPMS Module java.desktop Does not open the correct packages to ALL-UNNAMED.
com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.launch.steps.ValidationException: JPMS Module opens/export check failed! check your --add-opens and --add-exports clauses
at java.base/
I will continue my quest tomorrow - thanks for all the help.