Scanning Barcodes

I know I can scan into an in-focus text field. This works fine. However, I would rather this work without the field being in focus. The operators are not going to like having to click on the field before scanning the barcode.

I am wondering if there is a way around this other than the Sepasoft barcode module. Buying a module is not an option.

Can I catch key strokes at the root container level? I did not see any events for that.

I honestly can not see any way to force the text box in focus without disabling everything on the screen until a barcode is scanned.

Not happy the Perspective has a component included but Vision does not.

p.s; it is against forum etiquette to start multiple topics on the same subject.

Well, that does not answer my question. That only shows me how to focus a textbox when the screen opens.

You tagged this with both Vision and Perspective. Which one do you need a solution for? (Fix your tag.)

This thread would be good to read.

Factory Wide Multi Barcode Scanner Setup - Discussion/Feedback - Ignition - Inductive Automation Forum

no idea how perspective was added as a tag, I did not select it. I am using Vision.

I fixed the post tag for you

For Vision, you have multiple approaches:

  • Use the scanner in keyboard wedge mode, and arrange to have focus in the correct field before scanning.

  • Use the scanner in keyboard wedge mode, but use Sepasoft's Barcode Scanner module to intercept barcodes based on a prefix, sending the result where you like.

  • Use the scanner in keyboard wedge mode, but roll your own application-wide keystroke interceptor via java Swing "under the hood".

  • Use the scanner in USB Serial Port emulation mode, and run a long-lived thread to monitor the serial port. Typically delivering scanned values to a Vision Client tag, from which you can bind or trigger other events.

Related discussion, with more links:

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I went a different way. I used a serial bar code reader and connected it to a Serial to Ethernet converter.

I added a TCP Driver under Device Connections to dump data into tags.

I then added event scripts to act on the data and cause SQL logging, etc. for the ValueChanged event

This way, I have low cost bar code readers with no associated PC sending bar code scans directly to Ignition.