I am trying to set up GitHub for ignition but I do not understand how is it set.
Please, anyone, help me?
Thank you,
I am trying to set up GitHub for ignition but I do not understand how is it set.
Please, anyone, help me?
Thank you,
Important clarification for the sake of @pturmel’s blood pressure:
Git != Github.
Git is a free, open-source, distributed version control system.
Github is some shiny chrome wrapping Git in a website, and decidedly not-free or open source.
If you want “version control for Ignition”, all you need is git. Github is only necessary if you want to have a standalone web portal to manage things. There’s also free alternatives (e.g. Gitlab, Gitea).
I have installed git on my window. I tried to start git init but an error was found.
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\projects>git init
Found this error → C:/Program Files/Inductive Automation/Ignition/data/projects/.git: Permission denied
Please can you help me?
I don’t have git setup myself, but this seems you may need to change the permissions on that folder. IE Right click → Properties → Security
Can you explain in detail? I have tried many times but have not understood how to change permission.
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\projects>git init
C:/Program Files/Inductive Automation/Ignition/data/projects/.git: Permission denied
Thank you.
You can also move the location where Ignition looks for projects: