I am using ignition version 8.1.36, I have created SQLite DB connection and It is showing valid in gateway but I am not getting default table list in designer.
I investigated that, found that, C\Path\To\file.db is empty.
Can you please help me to get the data in file.db?
Just creating a SQLite DB connection in the gateway will not populate any tables or other content into the database file. If you point Ignition constructs (such as Alarm Journal, Audit Profile, or Transaction Groups as a few examples) at this database, you'll likely see some tables and data start to appear. Otherwise, it is up to you as to how you'd like to create tables and populate data!
Also, I consider it obligatory to mention that SQLite is not appropriate for use in a "production" environment for anything more than infrequently-written, frequently-read "configuration" style data. If you truly are storing an audit log, you should be using a "real" DB, such as PostgreSQL or MariaDB (free) or MSSQL, MySQL, etc.
I just want to display below things with dummy data.
So I want dummy data, not sure how to get the dummy data
-Alarm Status Tab: Ensure current alarms are displayed.
-Alarm History Tab: Ensure history alarms are displayed.
-Event Logs Tab: Add Event logs view. System logs only
-User Logs Tab: Add User Logs view. User logs only. Logins, setpoint changes etc.
The Quick Start project (available on a fresh installation) might be of interest. It sets up a demo environment for those very facilities (among many other things) against a demo SQLite DB connection. We recently updated the Quick Start project with some of the latest features in 8.1.36.