I am following this guy's video on YT: Artek Solutions
I have most of it working except for the background color styling on the Add and Delete button events.
The data comes in from an NQ, then a script transform like this:
def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):
columns = self.SetColumns(value)
output = []
for row in range(value.getRowCount()):
row_value = {"updateMe":False, "deleteMe":False}
for col in columns:
colName = col["field"]
cellValue = value.getValueAt(row, colName)
row_value[colName] = {"value":cellValue, "action":"update", "enabled":True, "display": True, "style":{}}
if colName == "Description":
row_value[colName]["enabled"] = False
return output
I have three embedded components: text field, drop down and numeric input.
This is the numeric input:
{"type":"view","payload":{"view":{"path":"Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField","width":100.0,"height":32.0,"params":{"column":"","isRequired":true,"placeholder":"","rowData":{},"rowIndex":"","source":1,"value":""}}}}
And this is the delete button:
"type": "ia.input.button",
"version": 0,
"props": {
"text": "Delete"
"meta": {
"name": "btn_Delete"
"position": {
"x": 110.944375,
"y": 412.3,
"height": 30,
"width": 80.05
"custom": {},
"events": {
"component": {
"onActionPerformed": {
"type": "script",
"scope": "G",
"config": {
"script": "\tds = self.parent.custom.data_in\n#\theaders = [col for col in ds.columnName if col != 'Price']\n#\ttype_of_price = ds.getColumnType(ds.getColumnIndex('Price'))\n#\tprice = [0 for _ in xrange(ds.rowCount)]\n#\tds = system.dataset.filterColumns(ds, headers)\n#\tds = system.dataset.addColumn(ds, price, 'price', type_of_price)\n\t\n#\tfor row in xrange(ds.getRowCount()):\n#\t\tds = system.dataset.setValue(ds, row, 'price', 0)\n#\tself.parent.custom.data_in = ds\n\n\ttable = self.getSibling(\"Table_0\")\n\tcolumns = table.props.columns\n\tselectedRow = table.props.selection.selectedRow\n\tdata = table.props.data\n\t\n\tif selectedRow is None:\n\t\tpass\n\telif data[selectedRow]['ReqID']['value'] is None:\n\t\tdel table.props.data[selectedRow]\n\telse:\n\t\ttable.props.data[selectedRow]['deleteMe'] = True\n\t\t\n\t\tfor col in columns:\n\t\t\tcolName = col.field\n\t\t\ttable.props.data[selectedRow][colName][\"style\"][\"background-color\"] = \"var(--error)\"\n\t\t\t"
This is the table's custom method to create the table structure:
true = True
false = False
columns = system.dataset.getColumnHeaders(value)
columns = value[0].keys
output = []
for col in columns:
colObject = {"field": col, "visible": true, "editable": false, "render": "auto", "justify": "auto", "align": "center", "resizable": true,
"sortable": false, "sort": "none", "filter": { "enabled": false, "visible": "on-hover", "string": { "condition": "", "value": ""},
"number": {"condition": "", "value": ""},
"boolean": {"condition": ""},
"date": {"condition": "", "value": ""} },
"viewPath": "", "viewParams": {}, "boolean": "checkbox", "number": "value",
"progressBar": {"max": 100, "min": 0, "bar": {"color": "", "style": {"classes": ""} },
"track": {"color": "", "style": {"classes": ""} }, "value": {"enabled": true, "format": "0,0.##", "justify": "center",
"style": {"classes": ""}}}, "toggleSwitch": {"color": {"selected": "", "unselected": ""}},
"nullFormat": {"includeNullStrings": false, "strict": false, "nullFormatValue": ""},
"numberFormat": "0,0.##", "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "width": "", "strictWidth": false,
"style": {"classes": ""},
"header": {"title": "", "justify": "center", "align": "center", "style": {"classes": ""}},
"footer": {"title": "", "justify": "left", "align": "center", "style": {"classes": ""}}}
if col == "ItemID":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Item ID"
colObject['visible'] = False
elif col == "DateReceived":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/textField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Date Rec'd"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "ReqID":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Req ID"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "Quantity":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Qty"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "QtyReceived":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Qty Rec'd"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "Price":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Price"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "LeadTime":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/numericField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Lead Time"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "PartNumber":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/textField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Part #"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "Description":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/textField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Description"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "UOM":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/textField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "UOM"
colObject['visible'] = True
elif col == "Container":
colObject['render'] = "view"
colObject['viewPath'] = "Test Views/Scripting/embed/textField"
colObject['viewParams']['source'] = self.custom.table_id
colObject['viewParams']['isRequired'] = True
colObject['header']['title'] = "Container"
colObject['visible'] = True
# set visible columns
self.props.columns = output
return output
Hope this is enough.
Thank you.