Aha, I knew you were on the forums somewhere! Really like the work.
Colors - when I click Add I see a flash of orange, then all goes back to default colors.
Row are added and deleted as expected.
This vid shows the add feature, but with new data.
After clicking Delete:
Ok, column style is not updating.
This is the Delete code:
table = self.getSibling("Table_0")
columns = table.props.columns
selectedRow = table.props.selection.selectedRow
data = table.props.data
if selectedRow is None:
elif data[selectedRow]['ReqID']['value'] is None:
del table.props.data[selectedRow]
table.props.data[selectedRow]['deleteMe'] = True
for col in columns:
colName = col.field
table.props.data[selectedRow][colName]["style"]["background-color"] = "var(--error)"