Tag Report Utility

New resource just uploaded to the Exchange (pending review).

Also available here:


I intend to publish at this link as well as in the Exchange going forward.

Announcements will be in this topic. (:


  • Provides a Perspective Popup View that provides a user interface to system.tag.query() that entirely replicates the functionality of the Designer's Tag Report Tool.
  • Provides a Perspective Embedded View that provides Time Span selection user interface with the controls needed to accurately and easily constrain to your requirements, while also satisfying the requirements of system.tag.queryHistory().
  • Provides numerous library scripts for tag manipulation, historian access, and alarm journal queries.

The above views are completely parameterized for easy repurposing within your own projects. As a demonstrator, the project also includes a Main Perspective View that drives tag history queries, alarm journal queries (via database only), Time Series Charting, and both Excel and zipped CSV export.

The historian queries intelligently extract the necessary information from remote tag providers to create well-formed Qualified Paths where necessary, and where the Storage Providers named in tag configuration are present with the same names locally.

The alarm querying function enumerates all tables in all database connections that have the structure of Ignition's alarm_events tables. These are all queried in parallel when searching for alarm events that belong to selected tags. (The journal results are deduplicated, too, in case there are aliased tables present.)

Documentation is a bit sparse at the moment. Will be poking at that in the near future.


Project file updated to fix a bug found in review. (Not having Toolkit v2.0.19 would try to throw a proper exception and log, but the Throwable import was also missing. :frowning_face: )

Also note that the resource includes no sample files. Presumably, your applications have historized tags you can point at.


Now approved, here:

The final review found another bug, in hour/minute/second adjustment of time spans. So be on the lookout for v1.0.1.


V1.0.1 has been published at my own server, and is under review on the Exchange.