Titled borders in perspective for text field

Are there a way to get label name on top of border for text and numerical field components in perspective?

Not as a direct CSS setting, no. You could use a Coordinate Container with some strategically-placed Label components to mimic the look, but there's no "stylistic" approach to get the "titled border" look.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 9.42.52 AM

sounds like overloading page i guess. Could you please add this to a feature request. Thanks

No, because there's nothing for us to do. We're not preventing anything, and we would not want to provide a one-off style approach which we would have to maintain and verify/test long-term.

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Not quite, this would be basicly the same as how they would do this behind the sense.
Just create a view like that and embed it as temple

in this post i do give a potentional option to use css, but its not dynamic and does not have the extra border.

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