Gateway is faulted
Here, wrapper.log file , plz help me resolve this
Looks like a corrupt named query definition. I recommend calling support.
If you upgrade to a later version of Ignition this will not prevent the gateway from starting.
It seems I have the same issue on our redundant machine.
Running 8.1.17
Below the wrapper log but is the gateway faulted and not starting because of the S7_Prod1_Pack_L2_Scan (which is one of the connected PLC's) or because of the history manager?
On the primary the Ignition_Shared db and that PLC seems to be fine.
Confused on what to do next now.
Thanks for any advice.
IIRC, the big fixes to Ignition redundancy hit in v8.1.21 or .22. Consider upgrading.
As this is our redundant server, we are still running fine on our Master.
I'm not really into upgrading the redundant to a new version as we will need to do that also on the master.
As we are not knowing the problem, it might also happen to the master on restart.
Thus leaving me with no controls at all in our process area.
So I would rather find the fix for the redundant first and then consider the upgrade ...
I'm pretty sure there's no fix for your current version. You should talk to support, though.
Meanwhile we did got contact with support and it eventually got solved by a complete re-install of the gateway
But still not really knowing what was the cause of the problem...
I've just hit this in the middle of testing and am now reinstalling quickly.
Anyone else have an update on this?
We're running Ignition 8.1.27. I used the commands to stop/start ignition and was met with gateway faulted. From the wrapper log:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/06/01 11:45:47 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [01:45:47]: Ignition[state=STARTING] ContextState = FAULTED
Reinstalling - did not work, still faulted with a:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/06/01 11:54:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [01:54:16]: Ignition[state=STARTING] ContextState = FAULTED
Wrapper logs?
I've figured it out, its an issue with a timer script, do you know the file thats in so I can just delete it? or if you have a clean file with no timer scripts, just so I can get it running and worry after
INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/06/01 11:54:16 | it.sauronsoftware.cron4j.InvalidPatternException: invalid pattern "0.1 9 * * *". Error parsing minutes field: invalid field "0.1", invalid element "0.1", invalid range, invalid value "0.1", invalid integer value.
No, not enough information to locate it, and it's not clear from that one line if that's even the problem.
This tells me it's definitely in my timer script. I've deleted the project, the gateway starts, I'll get you some more intel when I have a moment so it makes more sense.
Yes, your timer script is the source of that INFO level log statement.
Is it the reason your gateway won't start? I can't say without seeing the whole log.
Hey Kevin, so I modified a timer script to execute at 9am and a custom minutes of '0.1' minutes, because I wanted it sooner than 60 seconds. The dialog informed me I couldn't do that, so I changed it back to the non-custom, selectable, 1 minute option. It seems the 0.1 cached in the custom option, even though it was unused. This is the only difference today and when I restarted the server it ended up faulted. I won't do that again, promise.
To recover I deleted the project folder, gateway came back up, imported a project backup, sorted.
Apologies for the quick and flippant posts, was under the pump.
wrapper.log (3.6 MB)
No worries, I just needs the logs because with the full error and stack trace in there I can file a bug ticket.