Unexpected behaviour from isinstance(), issubclass(), and type comparison


I'm having an issue with asserting that an instance of my custom Report class is actually an instance of the class. I have a module where I declare a Report and ReportDAO class. In the ReportDAO class I have an update function which takes a Report instance and modifies it, but first I want to assert that the passed report is the correct object type.


class Report(object):
    uuid = None

    def __init__(self, uuid):
        self.uuid = uuid or str(uuid_module.uuid1())
class ReportDAO(object):
    Data access for Report objects

    def update(self, report):
        Update a single report record
        # updates go here

The assert_is_report just does an issubclass check under the hood but it is failing when passing a report object. I added a bunch of logging to the update function and get the following log results:

    def update(self, report):
        Update a single report record
        log.info("report.__class__: {}".format(report.__class__))
        log.info("type(report): {}".format(type(report)))
        log.info("Report: {}".format(Report))
            "issubclass(type(report), Report): {}".format(
                issubclass(type(report), Report)
        log.info("isinstance(report,Report): {}".format(isinstance(report, Report)))
        log.info("type(report) is Report: {}".format(type(report) is Report))

        new_report = Report(None, None, None)
        log.info("new_report.__class__: {}".format(new_report.__class__))
        log.info("type(new_report): {}".format(type(new_report)))
        log.info("Report: {}".format(Report))
            "issubclass(type(new_report), Report): {}".format(
                issubclass(type(new_report), Report)
            "isinstance(new_report,Report): {}".format(isinstance(new_report, Report))
        log.info("type(new_report) is Report: {}".format(type(new_report) is Report))

why is my report instance that is passed to the update function not being recognised as an instance of Report class?

for additional context, the report instance has been saved to and then retrieved from a list at system.util.getGlobals["reports"], and the saving and retrieving is being done by two different projects, that both import the Report and ReportDAO classes directly

Have you seen this topic?

Yes thanks I came across that when I was looking to see if anyone else had the same issue as me in the forums. If I understand correctly the issue may be because the module that contains my Report and ReportDAO classes is being imported / initialized by ignition multiple times? And so I have multiple versions of the Report class floating around?

And the solution you have presented aims to prevent ignition from loading that particular script more than once?

Yes, and yes. The workaround is not a complete bugfix, as it doesn't eliminate cross-script AB-BA deadlock possibilities.