Is it possible, either by scripting, binding to tags or some system tag, to remotely update Tag Group polling rates (Rate and Leased/Driven Rate) via either MQTT (preferred) or the Gateway Network?
Thanks in advance!
Is it possible, either by scripting, binding to tags or some system tag, to remotely update Tag Group polling rates (Rate and Leased/Driven Rate) via either MQTT (preferred) or the Gateway Network?
Thanks in advance!
No, not at present. Best you can do is manipulate a driving tag.
At some point:
Though I doubt changing the rate at runtime is going to be a very good idea, even then.
I don’t think I agree with it being a bad idea
Being able to update a SCADA polling engine’s rate is a necessity. If you have hundreds of edge gateways and you want to update field wide polling rates there needs to be a mechanism; that doesn’t involve logging into hundreds of designer sessions.
Even if run time is bad and restarting a gateway is required (seems a bit odd and intense…)