vCortex (i4Cortex Visualization Component Pack)

vCortex (i4Cortex Visualization Component Pack)

We are happy to announce the release of our first module vCortex, an Ignition module that adds a collection of components to the Perspective Module.
We invite everyone to test it, explore its features, and report any bugs or feedback to help us improve it.
You can download the demo module as a Public Beta here
The module will not be limited to the current number of components and will grow based on community requests.

Current Components:

•	Rich Text Editor
•	Color Picker
•	Date Range Picker
•	Time Picker
•	ECharts
•	Range Slider
•	Odometer
•	Cascader

Future Planned Components:

•	Node Based Editor (Flow diagram)
•	Timeline
•	Excel Editor
•	Circular Slider

You can see the module document from the Designer toolbar:


•	Ignition v8.1.20 Upward
•	Perspective Module

After installing the module, it can be used infinitely with all its functionality for testing and development during the 2-hour Ignition Trial Mode. When the 2-hour trial mode is over, it will need to be reset.



We would really appreciate your feedback!


I tried loading the module:

Fresh 8.1.44 install on docker.

Sorry to hear that.
As we try to write our CSS code into the usr\local\bin\ignition\data\modules\com.inductiveautomation.perspective directory and, it seems the docker doesn't get permission to do that.
We will fix soon.

Im keen to try it out, I normally test this stuff on docker.
Thought you may as well get the bug report so you can add it to your lists.

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Please download the module again. We fix the problem.


That is working nicely now, pretty impressed with the module.