Way to keep the lookAndFeel of 7.9 project in a 8.1?

Upgrading from 7.9.9 to 8.1.24.

QA is testing this before I touch anything and all the logic is working fine.

Disabled text boxes now though are very difficult to read

I can read it, but the person who was QA testing could not and I can easily see people saying they can't read this.

This project probably has 500 of them spread across multiple windows so I am looking for a encompassing solution.

Is there a way make 8.1 not change the look and feel and retain how things looked in 7.9 (more or less)? I imagine something in the .conf file but I don't know what property to set or what to set it to.

No, this isn't possible in the slightest. The old look and feel wasn't compatible with Java 11 and the library had to be removed entirely.

@PGriffith might have some suggestions about making bulk changes or some other neat trick up his sleeve.

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A different blend mode might look better:


Thanks for posting the "makes buttons disappear link". I'm going through 7.9.12-8.1.25 right now and have seen that.

My end customer on the first view said "everything looks sharper" with Java 11, so if I can get my missing buttons back without altering that, all is good.

Could be the new look and feel, could be that Java 11 supports high DPI and Java 8 didn't, could be either/or?