Way to view the raw SQL of a query binding?

Just had an issue where I had to optimize a window. After searching through every component/root container property that had a query binding, I was able to remove a couple of redundant queries by putting them into a single query and grabbing from that via expressions.

I would like to be able to automate this a bit for some other slow windows that I have in this project (and other projects).

If possible I’d like to:

  1. See if any of properties of a component or root container have a SQL Query binding (I assume there must be someway this is possible as the Designer knows and marks components with db with a

  2. If a component (or rc property) is a SQL binding - to get the SQL that would run.
    For instance if a SQL Binding is SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE id = {Root Container.tableId} and the root container property tableId = 7, then I would see Component X has it’s data property set by the SQL Query SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE id=7. I figure this one is probably a bit harder. If I can’t get the values filled in but I could still see SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE id={Root Container.tableId} that would still be acceptable to me.

I have a lot of windows that are poorly optimized with redundant queries/un-indexed queries and I would very much like to be able to write a script, get all the queries that are run on it, so I could then do some automation with testing the speed of the query/checking the explain statement to look for full table scans/see where queries can be combined etc. Is this possible?

Ready to go down a rabbit hole to WonderLand FPMIWindowLand?

Start here:


References start here:


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The QueryManager logger in the client on TRACE might be helpful.

Ok I think this is the rabbit hole I have to jump down at least for the rest of the day.

I am testing it on a single component that I know has a data query binding on it.

Here is my code

import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding

win = system.gui.getWindow("Pop_HelpDesk")
rc = win.getRootContainer()

chatTable = rc.getComponent('PTable_Chat')

IC = com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding.InteractionController
results = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(chatTable)

but this is telling me TypeError: getAllAdaptersForTarget(): expected 2 args; got 1

But according to the documentation it only seems to take a single argument getAllAdaptersForTarget​(java.awt.Component target) What am I doing wrong/misreading?

You need an interaction controller instance - you can’t call getAllAdaptersForTarget statically (the second argument it would need to do that would be an instance to pass as self).

FPMIWindow has a getInteractionController() method.


My (lack of) java knowledge is showing :sweat_smile:

I followed what you said and now have things sort of working though things don’t seem right - assuming it’s a problem with my code.

import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.FPMIWindow

win = system.gui.getWindow("Pop_HelpDesk")
rc = win.getRootContainer()

chatTable = rc.getComponent('PTable_Chat')

FPMIWindow = com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.FPMIWindow("Pop_HelpDesk")
IC = FPMIWindow.getInteractionController()
results_1 = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(chatTable)
results_2 = IC.getInteractionDescriptorsWithSource(chatTable)
results_3 = IC.getInteractionDescriptorsWithTarget(chatTable)
results_4 = IC.getPropertyAdapter(chatTable, 'data')

The length of results_1, results_2, and results_3 are all 0. I know that the data prop has a query binding on it so I would have though that would have come through on results_1 but it does not, and results_4 is NoneType.

Also based on my reading, I one of results_2/3 should have given me something as the query itself has ORDER BY m.idx {Root Container.PTable_Chat.orderByClause} and these InteractionControllers are the way that Ignition provides that dropdown when deleting something. As in if I tried to delete {Root Container.PTable_Chat.orderByClause} I would get a warning my data binding relied on it etc which is why I would have thought results_2 or 3 would have gave me something.

What am I doing wrong this time?

That's constructing a new window. What's the type of win when you retrieve it with getWindow()?

Ahh I see, <type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.FPMIWindow'>

import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.FPMIWindow

win = system.gui.getWindow("Pop_HelpDesk")
rc = win.getRootContainer()

chatTable = rc.getComponent('PTable_Chat')

IC = win.getInteractionController()
results_1 = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(chatTable)
results_2 = IC.getInteractionDescriptorsWithSource(chatTable)
results_3 = IC.getInteractionDescriptorsWithTarget(chatTable)
results_4 = IC.getPropertyAdapter(chatTable, 'data')

Is giving me what I expect now. Now I can really get lost in the weeds.

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I look away for a bit and all hell breaks loose. :grin:

As Paul hints, you don’t need to import FPMIWindow. You might want to import some of the Adapter types to use in isinstance calls. Jython will generally auto-map all the other stuff you need.

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I was able to use this script

import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.FPMIWindow
import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding.SQLPropertyAdapter

win = system.gui.getWindow("Pop_HelpDesk")
rc = win.getRootContainer()

results = {'rc':[]}

IC = win.getInteractionController()

rcAdapters = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(rc)

for adapter in rcAdapters:
	if isinstance(adapter, com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding.SQLPropertyAdapter):
		propName = adapter.getTargetPropertyName()
		query = adapter.getPullQuery().getQuery()
		results['rc'].append((propName, query))

for component in rc.getComponents():
	allAdapters = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(component)
	for adapter in allAdapters:
		if isinstance(adapter, com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding.SQLPropertyAdapter):
			propName = adapter.getTargetPropertyName()
			query = adapter.getPullQuery().getQuery()
			results[component.name] = (propName, query)

To get me all the SQL Bindings for my root container properties and components into a dictionary so from here now I can write some functions that analyze this data.


Does Ignition have a SQL Parser? Given the contextual highlighting on query bindings/named queries/the database browser, I am hopeful. Was looking to grab table names from these queries with regex but that seems ill-advised after a little research if you can use a SQL Parser instead. Is that something that is part of the ecosystem? I tried searching the documentation but all I can find is
QueryParser which doesn’t quite do what I need (which is to grab the tables out of the queries).

Nothing that would readily help you, I don’t think. The code editors used aren’t particular smart.

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Consider rewriting your imports like so:

from com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding import SQLPropertyAdapter

Then you can just use SQLPropertyAdapter where needed.

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Fair enough. Figured it was a long shot as it doesn’t seem like Ignition has any reason to need to know this, it just needs to pass it onto the database.

@pturmel thanks, that is much cleaner.

Final script I use in case anyone wants to use it:

def getAllQueriesInWindow(windowName):
	win = system.gui.getWindow(windowName)
	rc = win.getRootContainer()
	results = {'rc':{}}
	IC = win.getInteractionController()
	rcAdapters = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(rc)
	for adapter in rcAdapters:
		if isinstance(adapter, SQLPropertyAdapter):
			propName = adapter.getTargetPropertyName()
			query = adapter.getPullQuery().getQuery().lower().replace('\n', ' ')
			results['rc'][propName]= query
	for component in rc.getComponents():
		allAdapters = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(component)
		for adapter in allAdapters:
			if isinstance(adapter, SQLPropertyAdapter):
				propName = adapter.getTargetPropertyName()
				query = adapter.getPullQuery().getQuery().lower().replace('\n', ' ')
				if component.name not in results.keys():
				results[component.name][propName]= query
	return results

You can probably simplify that a bit more with this utility function:

# Recursively scan a VisionContainer for VisionComponents and inner
# VisionComponents, calling a given routine for each child encountered.
def forEachChild(container, func):
		children = container.getComponents()
	for component in children:
		forEachChild(component, func)

Pass it your root component. This will catch any grouped components and contents of nested containers.


Took me a second to figure it out but I got it working! Thanks. I think I should probably do the full component path if possible as my dictionary key since now I am recursively going into containers and it will just make things more clear.

Anyways - new updated version:

import com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.FPMIWindow
from com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding import SQLPropertyAdapter
import re

def forEachChild(container, func):
		children = container.getComponents()
	for component in children:
		forEachChild(component, func)

def getAllQueriesInWindow(windowName):
	win = system.gui.getWindow(windowName)
	rc = win.getRootContainer()
	IC = win.getInteractionController()
	results = {}
	def findAllAdapterProperties(container):
		allAdapters = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(container)
		for adapter in allAdapters:
			if isinstance(adapter, SQLPropertyAdapter):
				propName = adapter.getTargetPropertyName()
				# Want to sanitie queries to be consistant
				# the re.sub gets rid of extra whitespaces
				query = re.sub('\s\s+', ' ', adapter.getPullQuery().getQuery().lower().replace('\n', ' '))
				if container.name not in results.keys():
				results[container.name][propName]= query
	forEachChild(rc, findAllAdapterProperties)
	return results

And to use in conjunction with this I wrote a few diagnostics

def getQueryBindingCountInWindow(windowName):
	results = getAllQueriesInWindow(windowName)
	for key, value in results.items():
	return total

def detectPotentialDuplicateQueries(windowName):
	# First Niave Method of finding potential duplicates.  Return data where the same database table is in multiple FROM clauses
	# as a decent first pass to see where queries may be duplicated or potentially consolidated
	results = getAllQueriesInWindow(windowName)
	potentialDuplicates = {}
	for component, componentData in results.items():
		for prop, query in componentData.items():
#			print "working on %s %s %s"%(component, prop, query)
			tableSearchResult = re.search("from\s+([^ ,]+)(?:\s*,\s*([^ ,]+))*\s+", query)
			if tableSearchResult is not None:
				tableName = tableSearchResult.group(1)
#				print "found table %s"%(tableName)
				if tableName not in potentialDuplicates.keys():
					potentialDuplicates[tableName] = []
				potentialDuplicates[tableName].append((component, prop, query))
	for k, v in potentialDuplicates.items():
		if len(v) == 1:
			del potentialDuplicates[k]
	return potentialDuplicates

From the first function I found out my window has to evaluate 24 SQL Bindings wihch seems like too many, and from my second function I realized it’s because I have 5 that are basically the same query from the same exact table, so I was able to get rid of a lot of redundancy. Thanks @PGriffith @pturmel

Now to go run this on some of the first windows I ever made in Igntion that made it to production :upside_down_face:


This has been working nicely. I am trying it on a new window I made that is all Named Queries, to see if there’s instances where I am calling the same Named Query in two or more different spots for consolidation.

When I was debugging/figuring out how to parse out named query adapters (turned out to be NamedQueryAdapter lol) I notice something weird on my root container.

I am running this script in script console on my new window which at one point threw a AttributeError, so this is how I have it currently -

win = system.gui.getWindow("Pop_VendorPO")
rc = win.getRootContainer()
IC = win.getInteractionController()
rcAdapters = IC.getAllAdaptersForTarget(rc)
for adapter in rcAdapters:
		print adapter.getTargetPropertyName()
	except AttributeError:
		print adapter

results in


So I have some ActionAdapter that does not have a targetPropertyName at all on my root container - a ghost action adapter? My root container does have a property change script so I don’t know if maybe if it represents that, but I didn’t think change script ever stopped you from deleting a binding via the InteractionController (in the way that if you try to delete a custom property used in another expression - you ARE stopped). So I don’t think its that?

Here are my root container properties which all match up, except obviously to com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.binding.action.ActionAdapter

Any ideas on what this could be? Expected or unexpected behavior?

ActionAdapter says:

 * This is the implementation of event scripts associated with Vision components
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Once you found your redundancy, how did you clean them up?
Like if 5 are basically the same, how did you eliminate 4?

My situation was I had 4 queries like the following -

SELECT column1
FROM someTable
WHERE parentThreadId={Root Container.threadId} AND userId = {client/userId}

and another would look like

SELECT column3
FROM someTable
WHERE parentThreadId={Root Container.threadId} AND userId = {client/userId}

etc. Slightly more complicated, some had CASE statements for instance, but they all had the same exact WHERE clause and were selecting from the same table.

So I was able to curate all of them into a single SELECT clause like

CASE WHEN something THEN something ELSE somethingElse END as 'something',
CASE WHEN something2 THEN something2 ELSE somethingElse2 END as 'something2',
FROM someTable
WHERE parentThreadId={Root Container.threadId} AND userId = {client/userId}

So I put this into a single dataset, and then in those 4 spots where I was previously running a query for a single bit of data, I turned them into expressions like try({Root Container.newDataSet}[0, 'neededColumn'], 'fallbackValue').

Now a single query grabs all the column data that is needed, and the properties try to grab from that dataset, instead of running their own query.