I found how to do it it in a regular table here:
inductiveautomation.com/forum/v … umn#p24546
Does anyone know how to do this with a powertable?
- Mike
I found how to do it it in a regular table here:
inductiveautomation.com/forum/v … umn#p24546
Does anyone know how to do this with a powertable?
Use the configureEditor extension function.
if colName == 'englimitmode':
return {'options': [(0, 'None'), (1, 'High'), (2, 'Low'), (3, 'Both')]}
Thanks for this post, it helped me as well. However, I’m running into an odd issue when using it. I can get the dropdown list to appear in the table, but when I make a selection from the list, the cell remains blank. Do I need to add code that actually changes the value of the cell to the selected item, or should it be doing this normally? I am seeing this behavior in the designer and the staging client.
I figured it out. I haven’t used the Power Table much before, so I didn’t realize that it doesn’t automatically accept edits. I needed to enable the “onCellEdited” extension function. Then I used the example code written there with one small change: instead of putting newValue into the cell, I needed to put the label associated with that value in the dropdown options, so I added a little code to map the value to the label properly and put the label into the cell.
All in all, thanks for the help!
Hello, I was looking to add a way to put drop down in a Power Table and I found this topic.
I have added the given code in ‘configureEditor’ extension function but I can not get drop down to appear in the table. Am I missing something else? My column data type in ‘String’.
You might need to make the column with the dropdown “Editable” through the table Customizer.
It worked.
Thanks a lot!
Is there a way to dynamically create the returned dictionary to the ConfigureEditor? Something like
if colName = ‘Brands’:
newDict = dict((k, v) for k, v in (e.split(’ - ‘) for e in self.strBrands.split(’,’)))
return {‘options’: [newDict]}
where the dynamic property strBrands is something like “‘BrandA’-‘BrandA’,‘BrandB’-‘BrandB’…”
Yes, it is possible to construct the list dynamically. I modified your code slightly:
if colName == "type":
brands = "'BrandA'-'BrandA','BrandB'-'BrandB'"
newList = [(k, v) for k, v in (e.split('-') for e in brands.replace("'","").split(','))]
return {'options': newList}
Thanks Paul.
Is there a way to reference a Dataset for the Options?
If you need dynamic flexibility, take a look at this post: