Designer and Persective Workstation Apps not running on Linux


I''m having issues in running the designer app on an Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64 machine. I noticed someone had the same issue on Mint back in 2019, but the workarounds didn't work for me.
I tried both .desktop and .sh files but none work. It opens a terminal for less than a second and then nothing happens! Has anyone been able to run the Designer or Perspective Workstation apps on the mentioned distro?
Thank you!

You should locate the launcher log file and find the java command that is reported near the end. That is the real command that runs the client or designer. Run that manually a terminal to get the error report you need to track this down. (Likely a missing shared library.)

Just wondering where the "launcher log file" is located?

Look in ~/.ignition/clientlauncher-data/

Thanks for the prompt reply. I can't find any clientlauncher-data. i should look into the installation directory, correct?

In Linux, ~ is a shortcut for a user's home directory. And my leading dot in .ignition is not a typo.

Your screen shot shows gateway folders. The gateway install is utterly independent of what happens on a client--typically not even the same machine.

I only have the "install" folder in the mentioned path:

Are you trying to run Designer/Workstation on the server? If so, why?

No. My personal machine OS is Ubuntu Desktop and trying to run the designer on the same machine...

OK, if no one else solves your problem, I can perhaps answer this question tomorrow. One of my servers is currently going from 20 to 22.04.3 LTS as I type.

I'd appreciate your help.
I've heard some issues with .desktop files on 22.04 on Ubuntu forums but hopefully your migration goes smooth...

This is ambiguous.

  1. You're trying to run Designer on the Ubuntu machine but the gateway is on a different machine? or ...
  2. You're trying to run Designer on the Ubuntu machine and the gateway is on a same machine?

Both gateway and designer are on the same machine running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64

And are you able to browse to the Ignition gateway home page using localhost:8088 using a browser on your gateway PC?

yes. gateway is working fine and I can deign my project from a Windows 10 machine with no issue. The issue is running the Linux app for the designer and ... in the mentioned distro

Out of curiosity, have you had a chance to finish this?

Yes, I got the designer to open on that version of Ubuntu. (Ignition 8.1.25, btw).

As per the user manual:


Depending on your flavor of Linux, you may not have the launch option. In this case, your .desktop files will not be supported and you'll need to place the designerlauncher.desktop file in one of the following directories to satisfy Linux permissions and execute.

  • /usr/share/applications/
  • /usr/local/share/applications/
  • ~/.local/share/applications/

So I copied the two folders and desktop file from /Downloads to /usr/share/applications, and then used gtk-launch to start the desktop file running from CLI.

Interesting! I have already copied the files to the application folder it does not work for me!
By the way, am I looking at the wrong documentation? I cannot see the section that you quoted.

Go halfway down the page and there is an expansion link:

The link/text states to only copy the .desktop file, but that didn't work for me, so I copied both folders too.

Also, I see you are using the GUI. Note I used the CLI to start the designer launcher app.

Apologies in advance for my "screenshot", I do 99.9% of my Linux stuff via SSH/CLI.