Automation Professionals is pleased to announce the release of NoteChart, its first public marketplace module. From the marketplace description:
[quote]The NoteChart module extends Ignition’s built-in Classic Chart and Easy Chart components to mark the plot with a witness line and text at the location of specific time-stamped events.[/quote]Key Features:
[ul][li]Translucent Text for annotations and X-Trace labels[/li]
[li]Auto X-Trace on Mouse Events or scripted selection[/li]
[li]Optional Tooltips on annotation text[/li]
[li]Prioritized display for busy event logs or large time frames[/li]
[li]Jointed witness lines for closely spaced events[/li]
[li]Auto font scaling when prioritization isn’t enough[/li][/ul]
Check out the Documentation for more details.
{ Note to moderators: please move this to “Modules” where it belongs… I still can’t post there }
I’ve just created a demo project for the annotated chart module that demonstrates an editable event log. It includes enough dummy data to see the prioritization feature in action.
In a typical application, join your sequence of events history with a priority definition table. Possibly also join with an event description table (for the tooltips). If you need operator entry of events, this demo shows how to tie the X-Trace of the chart to a data entry form.
Remember to load the module before loading the project. You may also have to reset its authentication profile before you can log in. NoteChartDemo_2015-05-04.proj (79.7 KB)
Updated versions of the NoteChart Module are available in the marketplace. This release adds interpolation to the X-Trace display and fixes a related failure when sample values are null.
Also now supporting Ignition v7.8. Set the version selection drop-down for the platform you are using.
The sample project has been updated to include a null-valued gap to test the interpolation.NoteChartDemo_2015-09-28.proj (80.3 KB)
Updated versions of the NoteChart Module have just been uploaded to the marketplace. This release adds a pen values Dataset property to each component, providing the value samples from each pen corresponding to the X-Trace timestamp.
Next up: create a dual-trace mode with time and value deltas in place of absolute samples.
Hi Phil, still looking for a way to put the Easy Note Chart into X-Trace mode when the window that has it is opened (or better yet what it was last time the window was closed in the same client session).
Without any window event handler scripts it goes into pan mode. If I run the following script on window event handler internalFrameActivated:
I’ve been poking around in the guts of this. Could you turn the EasyNoteChart logger to DEBUG and look for a spurious setMode(0) Internal Result mode=0 when re-opening the window.
By the sounds of things you aren't seeing the same on your end?
My apologies, I have been shown how to do this before but cannot remember... Went to gateway webpage -> Status -> Logs -> clicked settings -> searched for "EasyNoteChart" - nothing.
Note that retaining the previous mode is a side effect of caching the window. With cache policy “Auto”, caching is likely. If you want to be sure of this behavior going forward, use cache policy “Always”.