Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.19-b20220614


784: Tree View component’s Default Node Selected Background property not working in Ignition 8
Fixed some issues with tree view rendering. Also added two new properties to the tree view component: selectionFillColor, to change the full width selection highlight color, and fullWidthSelection, a boolean allowing you to disable the full width selection highlight entirely.

3787: LaF issue: Vision Progress Bar will always show a border regardless of Border prop setting
Fixed an issue with the Look-and-Feel causing the ‘progress bar’ component to always have a visible border.

6160: Vision Windows, a new feature to disable the root containers context menu
Removed a superfluous context menu that was showing up on containers with no other mouse event handlers in place.

2144: Report Parameters should default to default tag provider if one is not specified
Reimplemented default project provider evaluation for Reporting parameters when referencing tag paths.

1912: Backup failover notification can’t be dismissed
Backup failover notification can now be dismissed.


6122: Project Shortcut fails to launch due to large Description Length
Shortcuts created by the launchers on Windows now automatically truncate the description field to prevent launch issues.

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