Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221221


6730: Make Vision clients more resilient to HTTP errors when fetching client project updates
Added logic in Vision clients to continuously retry if a project update failed to download due to an HTTP error.


6937: Diagnostic bundle JSON is not properly nested
Updated some files' output in the Diagnostic Bundle to be properly structured JSON.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.24-b20221222


3267: Add decimal and thousands delimiters to the Swedish Numeral.js locale configuration
Added the Swedish locale (sv/sv-SE) to the lists of supported locales for numeric formatting.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.25-b20221223


6825: Deadlock: TagProvider thread is blocked by the Gateway Network messages
Fixed a potential deadlock that could occur if the Tag Value Publishing GAN queue length is exceeded.

Data Model

6840: Replacing Meta Data properties for the root of a UDT Definition with the Find/Replace tool deletes UDT members
Fixed issue where using Find/Replace Tool to replace Meta Data on UDT Definitions would remove the UDT Definitions children.

4658: Instructions outdated on Service Security gateway page
Updated description text on Service Security property "Accessible Pipeline Filter" to reflect actual functionality.

6900: Unable to push tag property updates from Edge to MQTT Engine using MQTT Transmission refresh
Fix overwrite of alarm properties from causing class cast exception when tag is inherited and only local properties exist.


775: Indirect tag binding property textfield loses focus Perspective
Improved the experience editing and creating Perspective Indirect Tag bindings in the designer.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.25-b20221227


6592: 7.9 to 8.1: Upgrading duplicate named Vision windows may result with the older window version being incorrectly published
Refactored v7 to v8 project record upgrade logic to eliminate duplicate and orphaned project resources.

6364: One Shot Button ignores all styling
One shot button styles are now applied correctly. Also adds a new disabled style prop that allows separate styles to be applied when a button is disabled.


5995: Memory Buildup in Perspective (jetty related) post-8.1.16
Upgraded Jetty from 9.4.46.v20220331 to 10.0.13

1 Like

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.25-b20221228


6719: Coordinate container in percent mode excessively re-mounts children
Fixed issue with percent mode coordinate container that could cause re-mounting of embedded views, slowing view loading speed.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.25-b20230103


6701: Option to serialize Vision windows in plain XML
Added support for specifying the format you wish to use for serialization for Vision Windows, Templates, and the Template's Drop Target configuration. The configuration is exposed in the Vision Modules 'General' Project properties and supports Binary, XML, and Auto (the default and is currently Binary). This may help improve readability and file diffing in some systems using VCS.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.25-b20230109


5852: Change format of date(time) values copied to clipboard from the DB query browser
Updated the result table in the DB query browser to copy values to the clipboard in an RFC 2339 compatible local datetime format. In addition, adding shift to the copy keystroke will copy values in a tab-separated format suitable for directly pasting into spreadsheet tools such as MS Excel.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.25-b20230110


6924: Reading nested UDT Tags instances is slow due to the ConfigurationPropertyModel
Improved performance of browse on Tag Providers with large amounts of deeply nested UDTs.


4351: Profile delete within an alarm notification block retains previous settings
Previous settings on Alarm Notification Blocks are no longer retained after being removed.

Platform Core

7019: Jetty 10 throws HTTP ERROR 400 Invalid SNI when Web Server URL's hostname does not exist on the installed Web Server SSL Certificate
Fixed a regression introduced by the Jetty 10 upgrade where Ignition threw an HTTP ERROR 400 Invalid SNI when the Gateway URL's hostname does not exist on the installed Web Server SSL Certificate's Subject Common Name or Subject Alternative Names.