PLC using Logix Driver goes "Idle"

Yes sir.
The module fixed the PLC from going idle after a download, but looks like it’s still going idle infrequently and unexpectedly.

@bkthomas, if you go to Status->Connections->Devices and then click on Details on the device in question, what is your Tag Count? Also, in the Configure->OPC UA->Devices, what is the Max Concurrent Requests value? I had found that prior to the new/updated module, I found it much harder to induce the Idle condition when I increased the Max Concurrent Requests value to add more throughput for the comms… There are other considerations at play in increasing this, granted, but thought I’d mention this behavior here in the thread…

Can you all tell me the firmware versions you’re seeing this with as well?

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We are running 32.13 on 1756-L82ES

@Kevin.Herron We just tried to re-create the issue with a download, I saw the Device go Idle as expected but it recovered this time. Would that log file be of any use?

I am too new to do any more replies apparently, but I have the condition that occurred again and have the log files saved with the device still in Idle state. I also appear to be unable to upload the log file as a new user? Is there something I need to do for my account?

@Kevin.Collins We’ve got about 40k tags (in the process of removing those not needed anymore), 2 max concurrent requests (gonna bump that up and see if that helps out)

@Kevin.Herron v32 on L85

I am seeing this same issue with Ignition 8.1.0 during PLC Downloads to both a 5069-L320 CompactLogix and a 1756-L82ES ControlLogix. Both running 32.011.

Will try increasing Max Concurrent Requests and potentially the new OPC UA module.

The potential fix discussed here was only released in the 8.0.17 module. It’s not part of the 8.1.0 module. Do not try to install an older version of the OPC UA module into your 8.1.0 Ignition gateway. I’ll make sure this change gets ported into 8.1.2.

FWIW, we received mixed feedback on whether this change solved the problem or not, so the issue may still be unsolved.

edit: looks like this is already part of 8.1.1, it just didn’t get done in time for 8.1.0.

I am currently running 8.1.1 and I am seeing this issue with an AB Compact Logix connection. Seems like it is intermittent. Sometimes after a PLC download it will remain Idle, other times it will reconnect on its own. It will always come back if I enter the Device Connection in the Gateway and Edit it, make no changes, then save. Any ideas?

I’m currently having this issue with a pair of Allen Bradley 5069s in Ignition 8.0.16, going into Idle occasionally and not always when just when downloaded. The same temporary fix of re-saving the device settings works.

One symptom is an error that pops up - the Heartbeat script I have running at the gateway level starts repeatedly failing to write down to the PLC - however reading from the PLC still works fine. These symptoms occur in both 5069s at the same time (they are on the same tag provider) even though only one goes into Idle.

Can you upgrade to 8.0.17 and see if it resolves the issue? We’ve had mixed reports about whether or not it does but that should be the starting point.

I’ll see if I can get that coordinated with the customer, but that would impact all the projects on their gateway and it might be some time before that’s possible.

For some additional context, we found (with 8.1.2 now) that the Idle seems to follow someone making a PLC side tag edit such as adding a local tag etc. It definitely appears to be caused by PLC edits, but the fact that Ignition doesn’t reconnect, and does not show the broken connection overlays is a problem.

I think we may have managed to track this down and fix it…

Can anybody who was experiencing this somewhat regularly and are running Ignition 8.1.x install this Logix v21 module and report back?


Just installed with 8.1.2. Will let you know if we see any more stuck Idles. Or, hopefully, if we don’t.

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Thanks Kevin, we’ll install it tomorrow morning and report back how it’s doing. We’ve been getting multiple Idles per day as well as issues with tags slowly transitioning from the leased slow to leased fast scan rate, so hopefully this helps out with that!

Ran for a day or so while doing PLC edits, did not experience the Idle issue. Not sure if we will have a chance to do a direct test.

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Any updates? Anybody else installed this to test?

We were seeing periodic “idle” status as well, in Ignition 8.1.2.
We installed the new Logix Driver mentioned in this thread, and we have not seen any “idle” status since then.

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Hi Kevin,

We’ve had this version installed for a few days now and none of our PLCs have gone idle when they would sometimes go idle 2-3 times a day. We have noticed however that with our high tag count things took significantly longer to connect after a disruption. We eliminated some unused tags out of our UDTs and it helped, but I thought I would throw it out there as possibly something to look at. It could be that above 200k tags per tag provider may just be too many tags to manage Leased tag groups for, but there were quite a few dead/ nonresponsive tags until we pared down the tag count and rebooted our two tag servers.

Is the new driver (from this thread) included in Ignition 8.1.3 ?
Seems like the blog talked about a new Logix driver, but for other reasons.