Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220817

Data Model

5267:Add General Alarm Settings to the Config tab on the Edge Gateway webpage
Added the General Alarm Settings webpage to Edge.

6370: Extra tag path change events during tag provider startup causing slowdown/crash
Reduce memory usage on gateway startup.

4318: Transaction Group doesn’t sort using Target Name in correct order
Transaction group items now sort properly on the Target Name column.


4989: Add case to TypeUtilities#coerce (and thus, toInt expression function) to coerce colors directly to integer
The toHex expression function has been updated to accept Color in addition to Integer. See toHex - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation for additional info.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.20-b20220818


6158: Dropdown: Scroll to currently selected item when popup is shown
Dropdown component now scrolls to the currently selected option in the dropdown list when opened.


6139: Installer should have better error messages for expected ignition.conf values
Improved Installer logging messages for missing variables found in ignition.conf

6471: Launchers on Linux do not properly accept arguments with spaces
Improve linux Launchers’ handling of spaces as command line arguments.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220822


5455: Diagnostics Bundle export
Gateway overview page, add button to download a diagnostics bundle zip file that contain logs, thread dump, and other information in one convenient export.

4391: system.gui.getWindowNames doesn’t return alphabetically sorted results
system.gui.getWindowNames now returns case-sensitive sorted results from the client scope.


3548: Designer open/create doesn’t display current Ignition gateway
Project Dialogs will now display the name of the Gateway that it is connected to in the title bar.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220823


3098: Vision components are missing the “Rename” right click menu item in Project Browser
In the Project Browser, the context menu for Vision components will now include a Rename option.

6378: Memory leak in Vision Client due to build up of IndirectTagBindingAdapters within ClientTagSubscriptionManager object
Vision Indirect tag bindings which receive tag path updates right before going inactive (within 100ms) no longer cause hanging tag subscriptions.


5234: Add pruning for system_logs.idb based on file size
Logs DB (logs/system_logs.idb) now performs cleanup based on a maximum file size (defaults to 100MB) in addition to the existing maximum event count (defaults to 50,000). See data/logback.xml for available configuration properties.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220824


2420: Perspective bindings start up all at once, causing extraneous invalid values
Improved binding startup logic so that bindings are started up in order of cascading dependencies.

5657: Indirect Tag Bindings never resolve if they reference a property that does not exist
Fixed issue that could cause an indirect tag binding to never produce a property value if the binding relied on a property that didn’t exist.


3914: system.user.editUser() doesn’t validate password when called from gateway scope
system.user.editUser and system.user.addUser now requires the password complexity and appropriately puts the error in the UIResponse in the Gateway scope.

Data Model

6455: Disabled UDT Instance doesn’t set member tags Enabled property to False
Enabled property of UDT Instance members will correctly update when a parent UDT Instance is disabled.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220825


1110: Button border preview doesn’t work in border chooser dialog
Removed the Button Border option from the Vision border property selector.


6415: Logix tags’ UserAccessLevel attribute indicates read-only instead of read-write
Set UserAccessLevel attribute to indicate RW whenever AccessLevel indicates RW.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220826


3714: Project browser tree: Use “with pencil” icon for open windows & templates

  1. The Project Browser now has new icons for opened templates and windows to more easily identify if templates and windows are opened.
  2. When templates or windows are duplicated, they will be opened by default.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220829


1104: Implement Consistent Script Icon
Implemented consistency in the script icon. Used to declare that a component has a script configured on it.

6527: Dropdown: options with number values are causing inconsistent and unexpected search behavior
Dropdown options with number values no longer causing inconsistent and unexpected behavior when searching (8.1.20 regression fix).

3904: Make imported Exchange resources immediately accessible

Imports from the Ignition Exchange (via the Gateway Config webpage) to a given project are now immediately applied and available to open Designer sessions (via Update Project).

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220830


3205: Scripting function to return list of module IDs
Added system.util.getModules scripting function that returns a dataset with columns for Id, Name, Version, State (Running, Faulted, etc), and Status (Trial, Activated, etc).

Data Model

1965: Create UI tool for detaching/resetting/re-attaching data caches
Added functionality to archive and to replace existing disk caches for store and forward engines. Archived caches will be moved to the data/datacache/archives/ location, which can then be loaded, replacing an existing disk cache for the selected engine.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220831


3366: Unable to rename selected component name in Project Browser with F2 shortcut
Add Rename menu item to Designer’s Edit menu.
Nodes in Project Browser can be renamed via the Designer’s Edit menu by clicking on the “Rename” menu item. Alternatively, pressing F2 after selecting a node will initiate the renaming of that node.

6262: Increase contrast on buttons in touchscreen keyboards
The text color for keypad buttons on Touchscreen keyboards is now set to black for improved contrast.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220901


5324: Vision Client Memory leak: Vision Template instances on closed pop ups held by LayeredOverlay’s internal Timer
Fixed an issue in Vision, where animated quality overlays could hold on to component references, causing a memory leak.

6539: Dropdown: options with number values are causing inconsistent and unexpected search behavior
Dropdown options with number values no longer causing inconsistent and unexpected behavior when searching (8.1.20 regression fix).

5699: Exception when deserializing a dataset client tag, which crashes the Vision module on Designer startup
Corrected a regression from 8.1.15 that could cause a null pointer exception and Designer crash during serialization/deserialization of Vision Client tags containing a PyDataSet value (instead of a standard DataSet datatype).

6356: Map: markers flicker when basic properties like “icon.color” and “” (rotation) are changed
Adds “rotate” property to Map Icon. Also fixes an issue with icon flickering when the icon rotates or changes color.


5581: NPE in PyDataset.get if PyDataset is received in sendRequest operation
Fixed an issue where a received PyDataset (via return from a message handler) might produce a null pointer exception while attempting to retrieve rows from the dataset.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220902


2266: Add runtime assertion to ensuring that the calling thread’s class loader is what we expect
Added runtime assertion to make sure the current thread class loader is correctly set.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220906


2382: .msi version of the Designer and Vision Client Launchers and Workstation
The Designer Launcher, Vision Client Launcher, and Perspective Workstation are now offered through MSI installers. These MSI installers will be available at Current Ignition Release | Inductive Automation

Data Model

6490: Subscription to tag path with non-existent tag provider doesn’t provide any value
Subscriptions to non-existent tag providers will now return Bad_NotFound.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220907


1810: Reporting: Saving a large report to PDF consumes all available memory and then hangs
Improved memory efficiency for report exports to PDFs.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220908

Data Model

6501: Tooltips not working on UDT tags
Fixed tooltips rendering in the Tag Browser for UDT instances

6526: Tag Security isn’t being honored for when writing to a property binding against a Perspective custom property bound to a UDT Instance
Enforce correct write permissions when writing to UDT Instance members through Perspective bindings.


1067: allow launchers to return their version from the command line
Added support for returning the current launcher version on all platforms:

  • linux: app/ --version
  • windows (powershell): (Get-Item -Path ‘C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Designer
  • Launcher\designerlauncher.exe’).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
  • mac: defaults read Designer\ CFBundleShortVersionString

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.21-b20220909


5049: Overhaul Redundancy status page
The redundancy status page has been significantly overhauled to provide much more in-depth information about each redundant subsystem. MDC logging context keys have been added for the redundancy subsystems, making the subsystems easier to troubleshoot. The Log Activity section of the page now displays redundancy-related log entries and can be changed to display DEBUG and TRACE log entries on the fly.

Note that a few redundancy-related metrics on the Gateway metrics dashboard status page have been moved. redundancy/configUpdateThroughput has been moved to redundancy/config/pendingUpdates. redundancy/runtime-updates/alarming/alarmEvents has been moved to redundancy/runtime-updates/alarming/alarmEvents/pendingUpdates. The alarmShelf metric and tag provider metrics have been moved in a similar way.


6586: Script editors don’t regain focus after property editor is used to select something
Fixed an issue where property selectors would not properly re-focus the script area after a property was selected.


3191: Copy Suggestions on Edition Selection Screen
Corrected some inconsistencies that stood out on the edition selection screen. Changed the word “version” to “edition”. Changed “Ignition” button to “Standard Edition” button and deleted the arrow. Changed “Ignition Edge” button to “Edge Edition” button.

Data Model

6294: Tag Report Tool Polish
Tag Report Tool improvements:

  • Added option to Include UDT Members
  • Added option to include UDT Types Folder
  • Added Overrides property to report to list overridden properties, not currently filterable.
  • Property filter for Value will now query against the actual value not Qualified Value
  • Added Not Like property filter comparison
  • Column sizes are now persisted for saved searches
  • Added Timestamp property for filtering and reporting
  • Folders and UDTs will no longer return with Bad_Uncertain in filters

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220916


6541: View/Component Configuration Explorer MVP
Added the Configuration Explorer to Perspective, which allows easy interpretation of the structure of dynamic configuration inside a view.
See forum post


5086: Need indication when Apply Files action is in process during Agent Recovery
Added an indication to show agent recovery is in progress when the Apply Files button is pressed during the agent post-setup phase.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220920


4446: Http Binding can be configured in a way that prevents it from publishing a value, maybe not catching an error
Http bindings with expression-driven bodies now produce a bad-quality result if the body’s expression produces a bad quality result.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220926


3574: Perspective support for def SVG attributes or properties is inconsistent
Perspective SVG Importer has been greatly enhanced, adding support for the most common SVG elements. A new “convert to drawing” function has been added to the right click menu in the Designer for selected SVG based components including Cylindrical Tank, Icon, Linear Scale, Moving Analog Indicator, Sparkline, Thermometer, All Symbols, and Coordinate Container (containing pipes).


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220927

Data Model

3896: Perspective alarm status table does not show local alarms when remote alarms are unavailable
Fixed an issue where local alarm events wouldn't display within the Perspective Alarm Status Table if the local gateway had a remote tag provider configured, but the remote gateway's service access for alarm statuses was denied.


6480: Power & TimeSeries Chart: intelligent, automatic, tick selection based upon visible domain range
Fixed an issue with the powerchart where when panning in realtime mode, the graph line did not paint correctly. Added auto generated tick marks based on chart values to the Power and Time series charts.

6354: Image Management is rendering the previews of some SVGs as small and/or filling the whole preview box
Fixed some issues with the rendering of thumbnails in image management. In addition, improved the rendering quality of scaled SVG images in Vision.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.22-b20220928


6674: Output parameters do not work in the Accordion component's header's viewParams
Made view parameters of the Accordion component's item headers compatible with output params.

5728: Clicking between open templates in the Project Browser doesn't select them in the list of open tabs
Fixed an issue where when open Templates were clicked, they were not opened in the workspace. Use Alt Click if you need to click on a Template to drag it, in order to embed the Template in another Template.

Data Model

6623: DB Query Tags targeting the same datasource across multiple providers can end up generating NPE and stop updating
Fixed a regression from 8.1.20 that could impact DB query tags when they share a common database connection across disparate tag providers.


6676: Unable to Create an Outgoing GAN Connection from 8.1.20 to a 7.9 gateway
Due to an issue introduced in 8.1.20, 8.1 gateways were unable to establish an outgoing gateway network connection to 7.9 gateways.

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