thecesrom/Ignition repo has moved to ignition-api GitHub org

What started as a personal project I uploaded to GitHub back in January 2018, a few months passed and the repo found a new home.

Two years later it grew branches, and later it became a Python Package.

And this week the project reached a new milestone gaining 1,000 downloads in a month. :rocket:

Now, onto announcements.

First, I’d like to thank all who have cloned, forked, and installed the package, and second, I’d like to announce that (hopefully) the project has moved to its final home under the ignition-api GitHub organization.

The motivation behind this move was that I realized having the thecesrom/Ignition project with branches for each version hindered the possibility for contributors to, well, contribute to other branches other than the main branch, as well as some bots.

And considering that I may not be always behind the ignition-api GitHub repo and Python package, I decided to move it into an org.

ignition-api GitHub org

Each branch from the thecesrom/Ignition repo moved into a repo of its own (including the jython branch).

PRs are welcome, and if you have any comments or questions, please join the discussions.

Shameless plug. There’s also the coatl-dev Homebrew tap I maintain for installing Ignition using the brew package manager.

Thanks, and happy coding!